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Sunday, April 04, 2004

Why I write such crap blogs

A few posts ago (don't feel like counting), I clumsily tried to explain how I felt that music styles don't die out, they just go away for a while and then are reborn in a new way when they're rediscovered. I then found it explained in a much better way and in fewer sentences in an article on Mars Volta in the last issue of MOJO:

Forget the fib your trusted history tomes have sold you: the evolution of rock music can't be charted as some clear linear progression, artist passing influence unto artist, united in some utopian quest for future sounds. The truth is a much more chaotic, intriguing beast, where ideas are born, explored, rejected and forgotten, then rediscovered, re-upholstered and juxtaposed by later generations.
I am shamed, and I can't decide if it re-inspires me to really work on my writing, er, "skills" or if just makes me want to give up and just leave it to the people who are better at it. Either way, I'm sticking to this little word practice page. Lucky, lucky you.

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