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Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Is it home of the free or what?

I'm off to London for a week, my dearest Word Practice reader. Try and behave yourselves while I'm gone, huh?

I'm telling you this so that you'll know not to come around here until next week. I don't think they've invented blogging in England yet, so I won't be able to post from there. So to tide you over for the next week, here's a dream I had this weekend that cracked me up:

I had just parked my car in a quiet neighborhood that I didn't recognize (I'm always going to new places in my dreams), where I was supposed to meet up with Hans and Evan (funny because Hans and Evan don't know each other in real life). Hans got there first, and after exchanging a few "What do you want to do"s, Hans says, "Man, it's about to start pouring." Sure, enough, the rain started coming down hard, and Evan showed up from nowhere and all three of us jumped in the car to get out of the rain.

And then Al Gore shows up, running to the car to try and get in out the rain, too. Evan, seeing him coming, locks his door and starts laughing, as poor, soaked Al desperately tries the handle to get in the car. Al runs around the other side, and Hans locks his door, too. Meanwhile, I'm in the back seat, laughing hysterically, but telling the two of them, "Come ON! It's the Vice President! Let him in!"

Good luck analyzing that one.

I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank the dream portion of my brain for entertaining me so thoroughly, so often.

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