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Monday, February 07, 2005

Woah-oh-woah listen to the music

Even on a weekend where I traveled from the nation's actual capital to the nation's cultural capital and back again, went to my sister's birthday party and watched the wrong team win the world's second biggest sporting event, I'm at a loss of anything to say. Random and pointless thoughts got in my head all weekend, but I'm at a loss to remember any of them. It's like all that Fun And Excitement™ completely erased my mind, and I'm shirking my responsibility to supply you people who sadly look to this page with procrastination ammuntion.

So I squeezed my brain for any little drop of thought, and this was all that came out:

In a show of massive and destructive force from the iPod nation, I realized that, in the 8 hours that we spent in the car between DC and NYC, the shuffling of songs on the three iPods that we shuffled into service meant that at no point did we ever listen to an entire album. This probably isn't that strange for those people who vividly remember road trips where the radio was the only form of entertainment, but since I've had my driver's license, I don't ever remember a time where I didn't listen to at least one full album on a drive of an hour or more. I really like this development: four people playing DJ for 8 hours, but I know someone reading this who doesn't like that idea at all.

This reminds me that I need to post my Best Of 2004 mix. I'm not promising anything, but I'll do my best. If you've seen "my best", you know not to hope too hard.


Anonymous said...

you must really hate new england.

i didn't know that about you. I thought only xtian was the Eagles fan. I was in it for the stuffed mushrooms that I made, although I did attempt to try to figure out what the hell all those men were doing running about the field. soccer is so much easier for me to understand. i will stick with the real football.

Reid said...

Yeah, you read that right. I absolutely hate New England. Everything about it. Every person in there and from there and every square foot of it.


I really, really wanted the Eagles to win, I was amazed at the classless and constant mocking of the Eagles "wings" celebration, and I'm tired of New England sports fans *still* acting as though they're owed championships more than any other city in the country.

To NE sports fans: get used to it. You're the new Dallas Cowboys and the New York Yankees of the sports world. People hate the constant winners. As a matter of fact, enjoy the position. It's enviable. Just don't act amazed when those rooting for the teams you beat aren't thrilled over your victories.

doug said...

Was it just me, or were the 3 dumbasses they had doing the game last night just completely over-the-top on New England's jock last night? So irritating. They did get one thing right - they are a dynasty. Now, if they could just play half-way exciting football, I might find myself wanting to actually watch them play. The upshot of it all - Sinclair media finally caved, and let Comcast broadcast the deal in HDTV - so that was good...

Sorry xtian - I was pulling hard for the Iggles last night - I even sported the only green t-shirt I own (my "Getting Lucky in Kentucky" shirt - for Akers).

Anyway, the iPod-ing deejay thing sounds pretty fun. As everyone is aware now, I am iPod-less, and I'm finding that when I take a bunch of CD's on my road trips I end up switching them around every few songs for the variety. It is time to invest...again. That Olympus iPod/Camera thing looks kinda cool too...

Reid said...

Good point, Christian. There are certain things that I miss when I don't listen to full albums. But that's why I keep you around: to point out those hidden gems to me ;-)

d-lee said...

I, for one, am not down with the constant shuffling. You know I'm a big fan of the album as a wholeI'm still iPod-less, but even if I had one, I would still employ the "album" method of listening to music.

Oddly enough, though, I've gone on two mega-long road trips where I didn't listen to a single album. On my DC-Oregon trip and on my Idaho-North Carolina trip I drove with only one other person each time. Each time we either used conversation or public radio to pass the time. It was rad. On my recent NC-Ontario round trip, we listened to a shitload of albums. Sometimes the same album several times in a row. It was also rad, or as the kids say, "hella fun".
It certainly is very suspenseful and democratic to have a carful of iPods on shuffle, but it would drive me up a wall. It's a bit like reading a short story anthology by flipping through the book reading a paragraph at a time, constanly shifting from story to story, author to author.

d-lee said...

As if it weren't enough for the bosox and the patriots to win, freakin' BC is playing college basketball like they're trying to win a title. And don't look now, but the Celtics are atop their division in the NBA.
At least we know that the Bruins aren't going to win the Stanley Cup.