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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Employment with the tyrannical regime

In my experience, whenever anyone shares an IM conversation, it's never nearly as funny as the people involved think. But I'm going to share one here for two reasons: 1) Because it shows that, as interns go, they couldn't get much more fun than the one I have, and 2) because maybe if it's really bad, it'll chase off the people who came here from Tofu Hut expecting a page of any substance or interest. Let this be a lesson to you.

Lindsay: GUESS WHAT I'VE GOT!!!!!
Reid: The power?
Reid: The fever?
Lindsay: ADMINISTRATOR PRIVILEGES!!!! WOOHOO!!!! Ah, the heady rush of power!
Lindsay: I can install and uninstall!
Reid: Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Lindsay: Left and right! Willy and nilly!
Lindsay: This is so exciting!!
Reid: They gave you nilly privileges?!!
Reid: Even I don't have nilly privileges!!
Lindsay: I am the master of my machine! The dominator of my desktop! The controller of my computer!
Lindsay: I can do whatever I want!!!
Reid: Can I just request that, when you've enslaved us all, I not be put on pyramid-rock-moving duty?
Lindsay: You can request that, yes.
Lindsay: But the sphinx roxks are heavier
Reid: Actually, I guess I was sort of hinting that I'd rather not be put on any rock moving duty at all.
Lindsay: If I take one person off rock-moving duty, what is everyone else going to think? Pretty soon people think you've gone soft, then they start to disobey you, then it's nothing but work, work, work all the time!
Reid: Well, that's just it...I was kind of hoping to not be put on rock duty in the first place, so then there wouldn't be any need to take me off rock duty.
Reid: I was thinking more...palace drummer. Or food taster. Or food finisher. Like when you don't finish your whole meals and then I eat the leftovers.
Lindsay: Oh!! I know, you could be one of the people I embalm when my cat dies to serve it in the underworld! No rock-moving there!
Reid: Can I have a few days to think about this?
Reid: Talk it over with my family, that sort of thing.
Lindsay: Your whole family could be embalmed with you and my cat. I'd do that for you.
Reid: I do believe that I checked off "not willing to relocate" on my application. And that's really a kind of relocating.
Lindsay: Well, we'll see.
Reid: Thank you for your consideration.
Lindsay: Anytime.


Anonymous said...

I'm still wondering how you were able to install IM on your work PC if you don't have administrator priveleges.

Reid said...

It's a very long answer that would involve charts, graphs, calculations, a four-day supply of food and water, and the magical dagger of Kernersville.

akaijen said...

I thought L had a perm. position over there now.

Reid said...

She does. Note the date.