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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

On sunshine

I took a little moment to myself today. Stepping out of my apartment building in rolled-up sleeves into a blissfully warm temperature for what seemed like the first time in about 20 years, with images of Raymond Felton stealing away an Illinois pass to seal the championship running through my head, I decided to put the headphones on. There's no point usually, because my walk is less than 5 minutes, but today, I needed a soundtrack: something stupidly happy, that I should feel slightly embarrassed about listening to, but that perfectly fit that five-minute gap between getting clean in the morning and then getting covered in stinking, steaming work. These were the five minutes of today that mattered most: outside and happy in gorgeous weather, still reveling in my team winning a championship the night before, forgetting about housing, taxes, crushes, dentists, and piles of work in a room away from the beautiful day.

I'm walking on sunshine. And does it feel good.


doug said...

Sigh... well, at LEAST it's a beautiful sunny day here too! ;) Anyway, it was a really fun game though - and actually kinda nice to see Roy Williams win one. He's the kind of coach that you (as a non-Carolina fan) really want to dislike for some reason, but it's just really hard to. I imagine Tubby Smith is like that. Strange that something like the last 4 of 5 coaches (or was it 3 of 4) to win a championship won it for their alma mater - now if we could get Odom to coach at Guilford...or Rodney Rogers to coach at Wake...

Anyway, congrats to UNC. I was pulling for Illinois because of the haven't won one factor, and you know my feeling on UNC...but at least this time I actually really liked most of the players on the Carolina team, so it's not too hard to take!

But damn, you just reminded me that I need to go the damn dentist...arrgh.

d-lee said...

dang, I wish you coulda been down in Chapel Thrill with me and 50,000 of my closest friends. The Dean Dome was packed, every bar in town was packed, the streets were packed. It was great. My friend had secured spots for us at OCSC, where we had a couch right in front of the enormous projection screen. Of course the tv was muted, Woody Durham on full blast.
It was a great, great time.

Reid said...

Christian! Paul's being a jerk! He's calling me names! Make him stop!

Reid said...

Paul, dancing costs extra.

Dave, that sounds amazing. I really wished I could have been there with you.

Doug, it makes perfect sense that you rooted for Illinois. There was a much better story, there: never won a championship, coach lost his mother just a month ago, came back from 15 down to tie it...there was any number of reasons to root for them.

But it was like when the US went up against Mexico in the World Cup: I felt sorry for Mexico losing at the one sport they have, beaten by their richer, bigger, more politically powerful neighbor, for whom soccer is the fifth most popular team sport. But that didn't mean I really really wanted the US to win. You have your team, and even if they go up against a bunch of poor orphans playing only to save the lives of a box of kittens and baby rabbits, you still want your team to kick the crap out of 'em.

And you like Roy Williams because he fucking rules. RULES, I tells ya!

Anonymous said...

I think the warm sunny day with the Carolina blue sky is the earth's way of celebrating last night's victory. Everything seems right in the world today.

I was also on Franklin Street back in '93, and I agree it was an incredible sight. If there's any downside to Carolina winning yesterday, it's that I can no longer say "I was on Franklin Street the last time they won a championship." Oh well, small price to pay.

By the way, Doug...hate to tell you, but you or I have a better chance at coaching Wake than Rodney Rogers. He was basically forced into the pros to avoid being kicked out of school for shooting off a gun in his dorm room. Plus, is it technically considered your alma mater if you didn't graduate? Anyway, I'd like to see them hire Randolph Childress as an Steve Wojo is with Duke.

doug said...

oh Scott, details...details...

And he did say he was gonna come back and get his degree...that's worth something...right?

Anonymous said...

There was an erroneous Washington Post report yesterday that said Dave Odom was being offered the job at UVa. He has since flatly denied it...but not before all of the hardcores on the UVa hoops board got all irate about what they perceived as a lackluster choice. Man, I'd have been thrilled with it. Ah well...

d-lee said...

dood, UVA should get Jeff Lamp to be their coach. Maybe John Crotty and Ralph Sampson could be the assistant coaches.

Anonymous said...

I'm holding out for Olden Polynice! Actually, one of the articles I read recently was quoting John Crotty prettty extensively. I guess he does some assistant coaching somewhere. Hadn't thought about that mug in years!