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Thursday, May 12, 2005

20% writing about nothing

Man, I should've worked "blogging" into my yearly deliverables. Then I'd have plenty of time to do this stuff.

Just couldn't get around to posting yesterday. I always hate seeing a weekday so unoccupied with my pointless ramblings. Poor little May 11, 2005. Never did anything wrong. Always played by the rules, just waiting for its time, that blessed Wednesday when, if it was lucky, it would get some huge disaster or other massive event that people would remember for decades. Instead, it gets a few news events, but nothing that'll be written in any history books, and then, as it's cleaning up at the end of the night, reflecting back on this big chance Wednesday, feeling slightly disappointed, it gets hit with a horrible thought: "I've been waiting since Christ died for this day, and I don't even get a &*%$! blog entry?!! What's a day gotta do!"

Sorry, May 11, 2005. I wish there was some way I could make it up to you, but you're already gone. Now you'll have to wait for the second coming plus two thousand and five years for another chance.


Anonymous said...

No worries. Once they perfect time travel, you can come back and write an entry for yesterday.

Then of course, today's entry will make no sense at all.

doug said...

And I assume you didn't eat yesterday since there was no restaurant review. You gotta eat. You just gotta.

Reid said...

I can't eat. I'm too upset by the non-events of May 11, 2005.

Anonymous said...

I think May 11, 2005 was already feeling a little overshadowed by appearing in the same week as Friday the 13th. I mean, that's just bad scheduling. Shouldn't mean you get blamed for focusing on the other, "hipper" days of this week.

Besides, if 5/11 really wanted a blog entry, it should have hired some place to host "free burger Wednesdays."

Anonymous said...

So I left my May 11 at the bar last night. Will they let me go back today to get it back? I just want to settle out the tab. I mean, whatever, I was so wasted I just stumbled out into the street, and forgot that I'd handed over my May 11 to the bartender. "Keep your cheapest wine comin my way," I had said, "and shut up while yer at it you dirty..." And they suggested I leave so I did and then I crapped between the fire hydrant and the BMW, telling off some dogwalker who was looking at me with disgust, like they'd never done that. Geez. What a night.

So do I have to wait a whole year to go back for my May 11???

Fucking, May 11.

d-lee said...

Nice going, Reid.
You fell into the terrorists' trap. Actually, that's the oldest trick in the book (they act like they don't care whether you post on May 11 or not, so you don't), but somehow you fell for it. Now they got exactly what they wanted, and they've won.
The American people were counting on you.
Mrs. Eisenhower was counting on you.

Reid said...

I saw your May 11, Tad. It was stapled above the bar. Guess they thought it was a fake.