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Thursday, May 26, 2005

One step closer to the answer of the question of life

You know those people who let things slide off their back? The people that can easily accept life's little defeats, sigh and shrug their shoulders and carry on without letting worries accumulate? How do you get to be one of those people? Is there an application? A book, like "Being Smart for Dummies"? Do you have to network a lot? Is it drugs? It's drugs, isn't it? I've been meaning to take more drugs.

Why is it that a post about Belle and Sebastian gets 13 comments, ranging in subjects from record reviews to muppet fucking (again), name dropping everyone from Cherokee Parks to Mary Woronov, getting so out of hand that a man tells his wife to "fuck off", yet a post about the controversial and hot topic of bad haircuts gets a site-wide 'enh'. I figured that my outrageous claim of being "devastatingly handsome" would have drawn some comments of shock and argument. It's not that I think I'm ugly, though. I've always prided myself on having "if I'm drunk and he's there" good looks. And, if I keep quiet, there's any number of legally blind people who might find me very attractive if they're drunk. I don't mean to brag, but I've been told several times that I'm "not nauseating", so you can see how these things might go to my head.

I'm sorry...was that out loud? Good thing it wasn't in English.


doug said...

Well you should know this Reid, from here, your haircut looks really, really good.

Reid said...

Makes sense. That's another one of those things that never fails to make me better-looking: distance.

d-lee said...

I think we were all scared to comment, and I'll be the first to come out and say it.
Reid, we're concerned about the company that you keep. I mean, come on. You hang out with Jean-from-Scranton. That's not really what we want to see you doing. She's bad news. I mean, she's always the one who defines the "9:00 pm - until???" at the parties you throw. How many times have you had to say "Jean-from-Scranton puked on the record player. Time for everyone to go home" or "Party's over! Jean-from-Scranton, put the knife down!" or "Could you at least do that in another room, Jean-from-Scranton? Everyone got grossed out and left."

So anyway, that's it, pal. We just don't like that you hang out with Jean-from-Scranton. She makes everyone really uncomfortable.

Reid said...

But I swear that our relationship never extends beyond hair cutting! Do you know what I mean?

Hans said...