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Friday, May 20, 2005

A song I'd heard a hundred times before

It's been a dark, sad week for the Word Practice staff. My heart, head and soul have, one-by-one, been lured out to the back alley and given a once-over by a couple of goons with iron bars (note: goons, bar and alley all metaphorical). The heart really got the worst of it. It was still lying bleeding on the sidewalk at 19th and N when I had to go get it last night for another round with the goons. And they have a second appointment with the soul today. They're going light on the head, because it's a little 'slow' and the goons feel sorry for it, because they can relate.

But believe it or not, I don't like to dwell on the negative. Even in the worst hours of my darkest days (aka "2005"), I know fully and deeply that I'm an incredibly lucky man. I have ridiculously good health, have had good jobs land right in my lap without me even looking which gives me enough money for my nice apartment and eating out every single meal, have a wonderful family and the best Mom in the known universe, and have a bunch of great friends who never fail to keep me entertained.

Still, in these dreary times, I have to dig a little deeper and think of more things that I can feel lucky for, like:

  • I had a dream last night that I was at a football game where the Texans were beating the Redskins 88-0 in the fourth quarter. This dream was followed by an extended sequence involving a woman from the office that I don't know very well in real life, but knew VERY well in these dreams. I'll spare the details. I don't know who's running the dream projection machine in my head, but wow...thanks.
  • Unlike John Belushi, Abraham Lincoln and Dale Earnhardt, I am alive at a time when I can revel in the beautiful music of Neko Case, The Lucksmiths and Belle and Sebastian.
  • Unlike poor certain people that I love very much, I am not moving my stuff today in the miserable pouring rain.
  • I live in a country where someone blowing up a building and killing scores happens about once a decade and not every week.
  • Sandwiches remain plentiful and various.
Something I do not feel thankful at this moment is that work is getting in the way of thinking of more things that cheer me up. Any additions to this list will be added in the comments.


Reid said...

This cheers me up: Someone was led to my site this morning after doing a search on "ketchup fucking". Tad and Paul can claim responsibility for that.

Anonymous said...

And your entry that day was called "hitting the sauce". Looks like there are multiple ways to get to your blog with searches on condiment sodomy.

Anonymous said...

sorry, that was me....tad, the smart.

Reid said...

Like we couldn't tell it was you...

Anonymous said...

I hate to tell you, but the Fed released a report today that predicted a shortage of sandwiches this summer, which in turn will hike up prices. If you thought a $3 gallon of gas was bad, wait until you start getting charged $25 for a panini. Hopefully people will finally wake up and realize we need to find viable alternatives to foreign lunch meats. Not to mention that the money from all the foreign cheese we buy pretty much goes straight to the terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Hey Scott...what about all that "government cheese"? Could the solution be right here at home?

Anonymous said...

Reid, here are some others having it rough, which always cheers me up.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, but I've heard they're constantly giving away pork as well. No wonder the muslims hate us.