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Saturday, June 11, 2005

Are you still all back at my place? Don't make me call the cops

What musician, besides yourself, have you ever wanted to be?
There's lots of musicians I've wanted to be, everything from wishing in the 7th grade that I could play blazing guitar solos like Eddie Van Halen, to wishing I could write songs as good as Stuart Murdoch. I have an overactive fantasy life, so I'm going to cop out and give a bunch:

Darren Jessee of Ben Folds Five, because he was a great drummer in a great band that perfectly meshed silly, base fun and serious tunes, and he got to sing, too.

Pete Thomas of the Attractions, because he's one of the greatest drummers of all time, and he gets to play those great, spazzy drum parts like in "Lipstick Vogue" and "No Action". What drugs were those guys on when they recorded This Years Model? I want what they were having.

Any one of the members of Led Zeppelin circa 1971 (before all the tragedies started happening), because not only were they one of the biggest bands in the world, but they loved their music, were great at it, were beautiful and lived the kind of debauched life that I'd love a tiny taste of.

Jarvis Cocker onstage at Glastonbury '95. I never get tired of hearing that reserved triumph in his voice after they finish "Common People".

I've wished on more than one occasion that I could play drums for Stereolab.

And I wish I could sing like Neko Case.


d-lee said...

I shall also cop out and name a bunch:

Johnny Marr. He got to showcase his brilliance being "the dude behind the dude". Being in one of the world's most popular, innovative and successful bands at just the right time must have been a blast.

Kevin Shields (My Bloody Valentine). He got to be fucking brilliant as all get-out and had the luxury of an endless bankroll and infinite patience from his label. Furthermore, he got to watch the genre he basically created blossom and flourish.
Nowadays people fall all over themselves to have him produce or remix their records. That's gotta be a big kick. Hanging out with all the cool bands.

Sinatra. He probably never had to pay for a thing during his career. To have an endless supply of booze and hookers? What more could a guy ask for? Oh yeah.... and to be the most recognizable figure in music world-wide.

I could think of a million more, but those three will do for now.

Anonymous said...

- In 5th grade it was Joe Elliot of Def Leppard. I'm over it now, obviously, but at the time it made sense.

- I'll have to second Dave's vote for Sinatra, for the reasons he mentioned.

- Springsteen. Just to be that cool (except I would keep the first wife over Patty Scialfa). Along those same lines: Clarence Clemons.

- Dave Grohl. He just seems like he's always having the time of his life, like he's doing it simply for fun; yet he's been in two highly successful bands. Even more impressive that he played drums in one band and guitar in another (I mean who else can pull that off...pretty much just Dave Grohl and Reid.)

- That guy in Union Station who did Clooney's singing voice in O' Brother. He gets to do all those duets with Alison, plus it seems like the banjo would be a fun instrument to play.

- Two words: Jimmy Buffett.

There are plenty of others whose talent I'd like to have without having to be them, or experience their tragic lives: Duane Allman, Clapton, Robert Johnson, Billy Joel, and James Taylor come to mind.

Anonymous said...

bob dylan - bad equals GOOD!

Tom Waits - he has more gravel in his voice than a quarry

stephen malkmus - again, a lazy limited vocal range equals a good voice.

neil young - distinction is better than talent

PeeKay said...

when i was in 8th grade I wanted to be married to michael jackson, does that count? (I guess he has that kind of affect on children)

I never wanted to be a musician because i'm a much better groupie.