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Monday, June 13, 2005

For your trials and tribulations

Someday, hopefully someday soon, the greatest album ever recorded will be released. This album will be the live album of LCD Soundsystem.

LCD Soundsystem, "Tribulations"
(album version)

As good as this mostly-one-man album is, it doesn't even come close the mind-blowing spectacle that was the five-person band that played at the 9:30 last night. Every song started out really good and worked its way to a dance-punk frenzy, the kind that makes jaws drop and prompt crass and blasphemous exclamations instead of cheering when the song ends. Christian and I were geeking out on the drumming and song structure, getting awed by the difference just a slight change in the hi-hat made, but the end result was still impossibly primal and thrilling.

If they're playing anywhere within 100 miles of you do anything you can to see them. Buy, steal, cheat, lie, stab, maim, trip, tease, kiss-up, kiss, blow, spank, bend, fold, manipulate, lather, rinse, repeat. Whatever it takes.

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