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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I'm getting a little tired of being back at my place, but I can't really be bothered to leave

The last two questions in this list have always kind of bugged me. I just think that if you're going to ask 10 billion famous people music related questions, you could think of a lot better than these two. But in sticking with the format:

What is your favorite Saturday night record?
I'm sure I could find some fun full albums (Arular springs to mind, but probably just because I've been listening to it a ton lately), but it's hard to think of one that I could put on an automatically have a Saturday night party. If we can include a single song as a "record" (we can, I think), I'll go with "Temptation" by New Order.

And your favorite Sunday morning record?
Same thing here: lots of good, calm, sunny Sunday morning records, but for some reason, the one song that I so often want to hear on Sunday mornings is "Greetings To The New Brunette" by Billy Bragg. Something about a ton of chiming acoustic guitars makes the world seem like a great place.


Anonymous said...

I'm even though you're saying "record," the answer can be either an entire album or just one song? What if we only have it on CD?

Reid said...

Scott, if you get this wrong one more time, we're holding you back a grade.

Record: a recording. Can be a CD, cassette, vinyl, wax cylinder, mp3, mp7, reel-to-reel...don't matter. Just needs to be recorded. Can be one song or many songs. Or, technically, doesn't even have to be songs. Just has to be recorded.

Album: a collection of songs. Doesn't matter where those songs are collected, just that they are.

Anonymous said...

OK, got it.

This is a tough one, but I'm going to have to go with songs over albums. While there are certain albums I've often listened to before going out on Saturday nights (Maddona's Ray of Light, Grateful Dead's Hundred Year Hall), I wouldn't play these at a party. Nobody likes to listen to a whole album of anything at a party. You need a good mix. As for Sunday morning, I'd usually look for something with lots of acoustic guitar, but nothing specific is coming to mind at the moment. So here goes:

Saturday Night: "Stop" by Jane's Addiction.
Sunday Morning: "Love" by The Sundays.

doug said...

Well, seems to me as if there is really only one answer to this question:

Saturday Night: The Eagles "Saturday Night"

Sunday Morning: The Velvet Underground "Sunday Morning"

See? easy.

Anonymous said...

I thought the Bay City Rollers sang "Saturday Night"...

Reid said...

They did the good "Saturday Night". I don't know what this Eagles version is.

But still, Doug's right: those are the best Saturday night and Sunday morning songs. So there's a right answer, so Mojo needs to stop asking the question.

doug said...

sorry - first google hit for a song entitled "Saturday Night" - I was kinda hopin' that De La Soul song about roller skating would be called that - which is my personal pick btw.

Anonymous said...

What about the Elton John "Saturday Night" (as in 'all right for fighting')?

Reid said...

What about it?

Anonymous said...

Best Record for a Saturday Night: "Tuesdays Gone" Lynyrd Skynyrd

Best Record for a Sunday Morning: "Tuesday Heartbreak" Stevie Wonder

Really, when you think about it, it's all about Tuesday, isn't it? (I'm aiming to be the first person kicked out of Reid's Place for answering exactly naught of these questions with any degree of sincerity.)

Anonymous said...

Tuesdays blow. Or, as Robert Smith put it, they're for heart attacks.

d-lee said...

i was thinking

10:15 on a Saturday Night -- The Cure


Every Day is Like Sunday -- Morrissey

doug said...

10:15 on a Saturday Night Dave? That's only good for about one minute on Saturday night, and wouldn't Everyday Is Like Sunday be good for everyday BUT Sunday? Seeing as how you can't be like something if you're already that something. Or something like that.

d-lee said...

since you guys brought up the topic of Tuesday, can I nominate Sun Comes Up, It's Tuesday Morning by the Cowboy Junkies? Some sort of honorable mention or something like that.