Watch 'em run
The only thing in the world that I love more than Neko Case's voice is being reminded how much I love Neko Case's voice. When it's put in the climax of an instant-classic AC Newman song, it's bliss defined.
The New Pornographers, "The Bleeding Heart Show"
From their upcoming album, Twin Cinema.
Now *that's* more like it! The first half is kind of a bore, but the build up and climax at the end makes it all more than worthwhile. Sounds like AC and Neko are discovering their inner respective Lindsay/Stevie. Sweet. I was just about ready to write them off too based on the boringness of the song Matador posted ( and this video ( which is just awful, but perhaps gives further credence to my Fleetwood Mac theory.
Are you trying to imply that Neko Case and AC Newman are getting a divorce? Rumor-monger*.
That video isn't too great, and that definitely sounds like one of Dan Bejar's (right?) songs, and it's a little too deliberately retro for my taste, but...I've said it before, I'll say it again: Neko could sing the shit out of any song. ANY song.
* unhelpful search terms:
Neko Case AC Newman divorce
Case Newman dream is over
Case Newman cocaine blowup
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