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Thursday, August 11, 2005

But you...

There's been huge amounts of research and thought into dream analysis, into the meanings of any possible occurrence with any possible animal, vegetable or mineral in any possible combination. Whether or not you think it's all a bunch of hooey is one thing, but it's still pretty interesting. "Why would I dream about a purple leopard chasing me down through the easy listening aisle of the Sam Goody in the mall where I hung out in high school, only to be saved at the last possible second by my boss's wife?", you wonder, and then crack a book and find out it means you secretly desire to watch more TV.

But why hasn't there been more research into the meaning behind what songs you inexplicably wake up with in your head? I hadn't heard "Big Me" by the Foo Fighters in years, but I woke up with it in my head a couple of days ago. Then I went and bought it on the iTunes music stores, causing me to consider for a minute that maybe my iPod headphones have secretly implanted a bug in my brain that puts songs that are available in iTunes in my head.

Even weirder is the fact that, later that night, someone brought up the topic of the Foo Fighters. It's like the iTunes in my head can see into the future. Weird.


Anonymous said...

That's kind of like waking up with a voice in your head talking about time travel, then getting a book on time travel, then later hearing someone bring up the topic of the book's author. Does your iPod call itself "Frank?"

Anonymous said...

Sing yourself a few bars of Drain Too Cloggy and you'll have that in your head every single morning. Can't promise you'll wake up with it, but it's guaranteed to supplant any ol' thing the dream fairy slipped in your earhole.