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Monday, August 29, 2005

What would you recommend in a nice, free bread?

I spy with my little eye something that threatens to tear the very fabric of this nation into shreds. But that goes without saying, as I never write about anything on this page unless it threatens to rip apart the fabric of this nation. In related news, my fantasy football draft is tomorrow, and last night's episode of Entourage was really great.

But getting back to the intended subject, there's a war brewing, and the battlegrounds are the tables at restaurants. Waiters are getting openly hostile about those of us who dare to go into a restaurant and only order entrees. Now, I'm well aware that it's the tips and not the wages that provide waiters with a living, and that the tip increases as the bill increases, but recently, I've been getting clear looks of disappointment when I don't order a drink, rolled eyes when I decide against an appetizer, and I swear that my waiter of Friday night let out a slight derisive chuckle when we decided against dessert. My waitress on Thursday night was bright and talkative until we didn't order drinks and then she transformed into her alter-ego, Surly Server.

I don't question why the servers might be disappointed at a table putting together a small check, but I don't want to see sign of a let-down. I don't go to restaurants for the convenience of anyone but me. I consistently tip well, I'm polite (thanks, Mom!), and I try to make my requests of the servers simple and consolidated to make it a little easier on them, but beyond that, I'm done with taking waiters or kitchens into consideration in regards to what I choose to order or not order.

But these restaurants have me in a tricky spot. They're getting more expensive and unpleasant by the second, but as of last week, my stove is about four feet from my bed, so cooking at home isn't much of an option unless I want a garlic-and-onion-scented pillow.


doug said...

oops, that was me, not daffodilpunch. Just so you know.

Reid said...

Christ, I'm glad you cleared that up, Doug.

Using the wife's computer again, eh?

PeeKay said...

i'm with you reid! especially during that whole pregnancy phase that i went through, i felt like i had to apologize when i didnt order a drink. it was like "hi i would like a water." *sorry* but then my belly began to show and all these surly waiters would turn evil if i asked for a drink. my favorite trick was ordering a margarita and while their face contorted i would pause for a bit and say VIRGIN. hahah. you should see their surly heads spin round like linda blair. start a revolution!

doug said...

actually, it's more like SOMEONE has been using my computer!