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Monday, August 22, 2005

You talkin' to me?

It was a four day weekend that took a 12 hour sleep to begin to recover from. Those four days featured a lot that I could write about: guilt-tripping movers, exhausting cleaning sessions, rage directed at a certain cable company, a severe problem with forgetting where I put things, and massive organizational challenges. It was a stretch of time that featured great music, lots of laughs, beautiful women, plenty of drinks, and lots and lots of sweat. It was a productive, infuriating, fascinating, blissful, Blissful weekend.

But two days away from work has a way of extending the to-do list, so I don't have time for details. You'll just have to deal with this story:

I went over to Borders just now to get an Excel instructional book (the purchase of which officially classifies my job as "boring"), and I noticed that my cashier was wearing a light blue shirt with the York peppermint patty logo on it. Now, why I thought that a shirt with the York logo was in any way "great" is something to second guess, but I did think it was great and I told her so: "Great t-shirt!" I said in my dorkiest customer-cashier-conversation voice. "Thanks!" she enthusiastically said back, and it was only then that I noticed that, while it was the design of the York peppermint patty logo, it actually said "Dork" with "You're a" written just above it. I wanted to take back my compliment on this realization that it was not at all a great shirt, and was, in fact, a really stupid shirt, but I was sufficiently shamed not only by the embarrassment at my mistake, but the fact that I had just been insulted by a t-shirt.


PeeKay said...

i prefer the term nerd. geek is a second but dork is definitely last. It's mean-spirited. You couldve ended the transaction by calling the manager over. That will teach you to interact with cashiers reid!

Reid said...

Yeah, both "nerd" and "geek" actually have good connotations (being that you're really smart or really passionate about something, respectively), but "dork" doesn't really have much going for it. Someone can be endearingly dorky, but that's about it.

Anonymous said...

Fucking pre-emptively ironic cashierwear....