Give a little bit of your blog to me
I've been guest-blogging over at my friend PK(aka Ficemook)'s place, so if you want my real post today, you'll have to head over there to read it.
It's a strange thing, guest-blogging. It's like being in someone else's home. You know you're welcome there, but you're still afraid you're going to offend...using the wrong towel, using language they find objectionable, using their toothbrushes to clean off your never know what you do in your normal life that's going to send them into an uproar. You appreciate the hospitality, but if you piss them off, you'll never hear the end of it. And should I send a Thank You note?
So in lieu of an actual post here today, I'm just going to leave you with this short list that I've been mentally compiling of things my girlfriend has called me on her blog in an effort to stay anonymous and not romantically dissuade any men who (rightly) have a blog-crush on her and ruin her hopes of upgrading:
- "a friend"
- "my pal"
- "a very nice fellow"
- "a fella"
- "someone"
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