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Monday, November 21, 2005

Monday morning, you sure look fine

I spent the weekend as I'm assuming most if not all of the rest of you did: traveling to New York City and staying in the Park Avenue apartment of a soap opera star, walking through the perfect fall evening and stealing kisses from a beautiful and brilliant blonde. Same ol', same ol'.

I also...

...saw the Harry Potter movie. If you read the book: the action and special effects are phenomenal, and the emotional moments from the book are twice as emotional in the movie. But you begin to see how difficult it is to cram the entire story line into one digestable movie. If you didn't read the book, don't even bother with it, because it won't make a damn bit of sense.

...renewed and possibly even intensified my hatred of rolling luggage. People, please. I know it's convenient, but sometimes you just have to pick the damn thing up, okay? Just because it HAS wheels doesn't mean you need to USE them at every moment. So don't stop directly in front of the escalator to pull out the handle, and don't wheel it down the narrow train aisles. Otherwise, just assume that anyone in your wake clutching their shins and screaming obscenities are doing so because of you.

...ate a very nice sandwich.


m.a. said...

I see...What a fabulous life you have.

HK said...

Well, next time you are in New York, let us little people know. I mean, little as in short and little as in not famous.