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Friday, January 06, 2006

Me and my stats, you and your stuff

My site statistics have been telling me things. We've had a meeting, and the statistics told me that The People (that read my blog; you get a capital T and P) need to know a few rudimentary web geek things, which is good, because the only web geek stuff that I know is rudimentary.

The first thing my site statistics told me today was there was a person who spent THIRTY EIGHT MINUTES this morning searching my site for "liver shaped mug". Now, if this person had paid attention, s/he would have noticed that the post in question popped up on the initial search page. But it got me and my stats thinking: This person really could have been helped by Google's site search, so that, instead of going back and forth between the initial Google results and clicking on almost every post on my site trying to find the information, they could have just typed " liver shaped mug" to search only my site and quickly find that I didn't really have the information they were looking for. I'm not really sure that even that would have helped the liver mug searcher, but if you didn't know you could do this, dear faithful readers, consider it a tip from me to you.

Speaking of faithful readers, the line graph on the visits to my site has gone into Everest mode this past week. Either you're finding the topics of discussion absolutely fascinating, or you're very, very bored. It's not that I don't love the fact that you all come back here over and over again, but there's a way that you can simplify your life, and that's with an RSS reader.

A couple of you have already done it, some of you are resistant, some of you don't know what the hell I'm talking about. For the latter group, an explanation: it's a way to get notified when one of the blogs you read gets updated. It can save you an extraordinary amount of time, because once you've spent 10 minutes setting up the blogs you read regularly, you don't have to constantly check them throughout the day to see when it's been updated. You do have to check them regularly for new comments, though, so it doesn't take all of the fun out it.

The two blog readers (both web-based) that I use are these:

Google Reader
Still in beta phase, the Google Reader is still a little clunky (which is unusual for Google apps), but it works fine for basic blog-checking purposes. If you're including newspaper feeds in it, I would imagine it would get annoying, but if you have 20 or so blogs that you look at on a regular basis, it's nice to get them all in one place at one time. I'm hoping that Google can spruce it up a bit with features, but as it is, it suits my purposes just fine. Plus, it hooks in with your gmail account, which is handy.

I just started using bloglines today, and so I still haven't gotten used to it. It seems like it has a decent amount of features that Google doesn't have (yet) like the ability to group your blogs into different folders, but it also seems a little harder to use, and some of the initial features are pretty frustrating (example: when you look at a new post, click away and then click back, the page goes blank and you have to select "Show last 24 hours" to see it again). But it looks promising, has more features than Google and has a name that sounds similar to "Bloodlines", which is fun.

Once you have one of those set up, you just bookmark it and then come back every now and then, have it check all your blogs at once, and then (ahem) go back to work instead of clicking on every single link on the blogrolls of the ones you read. I also find it's really useful for those blogs that don't update very often.

Any other good RSS readers that the already-knowledgeable use?

Of course, no reader helps when certain bloggers don't turn on their RSS feeds.

Thus concludes this lesson in rudimentary web stuff. I hope it was helpful, I hope you have a good weekend, and I wish you well on your daring secret CIA mission to the Chilean mountains. Oops. Sorry about that last bit.


Anonymous said...

Actually, my busy season at work started this week, but the threads here have been great. Plus I keep checking for the year-end mix. ;) I was already looking forward to it, but even more so now that I got an MP3 player for xmas.

I set up a "My Yahoo" page with RSS feeds from your blog, my Netflix queue, and a few others. It seems like it lags a post behind though. Plus, I tend to use as a portal to all other blogs (esp. the non-RSSing BWA). Sorry to use you like that, but I don't feel like bookmarking the other blogs or typing in their URLs when you have all their links nicely listed. Not to mention that it saves me from having to find blogs on my own, figure out which ones are worthwhile, etc., since you've already done all that legwork. I'm lazy like that.

Not sure if this is the same thing you mentioned, but Google's GMail will now also display RSS feeds when you check your email, although so far it seems a little awkward in practice.

doug said...

I've been using Feedreader for a few months now, and it's been pretty good so far - but you'll notice that I visit a lot because I am looking for new comments (sort along the lines of what Scott was saying) - which the RSS doesn't indicate - I've found that RSS is pretty bad about indicating new comments (if someone has their blog setup to RSS comments, it rarely works - from my experience). So, anyway, the spike you see is probably due to the active threads this week. And we're bored at work.

doug said...

and another thing - your posts don't completely show up in my reader - maybe it's just me, but, anyway, I have to go to the site to read the whole thing (which is inside the Feedreader window). But, some blogs have the whole post show up, some don't - check your settings?

Reid said...

Scott, I'm more than happy to have folks using my links. That's what they're there for. But I'm not the most active blog-checker in the world, so there's not much revelatory going on over there. Mostly just people I know.

That gmail thing seems totally pointless. It just scrolls the headlines up at the top. It's good if you constantly forget to check, but otherwise, you're better off using the reader.

Doug, I'm sure that the program RSS readers are better, but I prefer the web-based readers. That way I can get to them no matter what computer I'm on.

And my RSS feed intentionally uses the short descriptions instead of posting the whole thing. I would explain the reason why I do the short descriptions, but it's embarassingly geeky, so I'll refrain.

Reid said...

Oh, I was also going to say that I've found that one of the problems with the web-based readers is that they're often hours behind. It's a small price to pay to not have to click on every single blog, only to find that most of them haven't been updated in days.

doug said...

ah, multiple computers - didn't think of that. I'm really interested in this embarrassingly geeky rason for leaving only short descriptions - but I think I may know the answer...

on another subject - you still using for stats?

Anonymous said...

I just get the headlines posted through RSS, so I have to click on the link and go to the site anyway. And like Doug said, it doesn't give you an update for new comments, only new posts.

Also, the RSS readers don't let you listen to the jukebox.

Hans said...

Sorry, I just looked into turning on an RSS feed and it looks too complicated for my geek level. What about Atom Syndication? Does your reader get that?

Reid said...

Hans, atom is the same as RSS. That's what I use on this site.

Scott, I'll have the year-end mix up next week. The faithful readers of this site will find very little new, but it'll still be fun.

Doug, I do indeed still use Statcounter. I'm kind of addicted. It's even better than the expensive software that I use at work.