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Friday, February 17, 2006

You've got crud on your soptx

Come one, come all to the events of the First Occasional Word Verification Contest! That's right, everyone: I can't think of what to write about, so instead, I'm calling a contest to see who can get the best word in the blogger word verification and/or give the best definition. It's like the Olympics, but stupid.

The rules:
Go to the comments and find a word in the word verification that sounds like something. Refresh as many times as you need to get a good word. It could sound like some foreign food, a disorder of some kind, but obviously it's best if it sounds dirty. Fairness tells me to only let people enter once, but my desire for entertainment outweighs that, so enter as many times as you like.

You can either post only the word, or post the word and give a fake definition to it. A winner will be selected for both word and definition. The prizes are my grudging respect and half-hearted admiration, respectively. Just imagine if you win both! The winners will be announced Monday. I'm the judge of the contest. Sleeping with the judge dramatically improves your chances of winning.

Participation in the contest is NOT optional! Sleeping with the judge, sadly, is.


Anonymous said...

vhooworm - a computer virus launched by VH1 against websites that promote indie music. this explains why has been down all week, requiring us to go to the blogspot mirror site.

Anonymous said...

(not sleeping with the judge, btw)

Chris said...

ckorsqb: a small rodent, native to the Balkans. It is used to make soptx, a savory stew containing ckosqb, diced vhooworm, and beets.

Washington Cube said...

ioutxe: What happens when a blogger is out of ideas and runs a contest asking their readers to make up definitions. "I.O.U. Text."

doug said...

doueg: what my parents almost decided to call me, but they thought the "e" was too cumbersome and would result in much ridicule at school. Sadly, the ridicule did not stop with the omission of that "e".

Hans said...

pbzuss: the sound of a blog reader resigning himself to the fact that he can't come up with a clever definition for a verification word.

Reid said...

I'm going to play. Needless to say, I'm ineligible, even though I'm already sleeping with the judge.

safeqzr: invented in the 1890's after too many people were killed using regular qzrs.

Anonymous said...

givap: the act of surrendering. ie, I givap on coming up with anything witty for this contest.

Anonymous said...

kbdlkjho: a popular african children's game involving a ball, a thimble and a papaya

Anonymous said...

becdmb: a person who's knowledge of history only encompasses the A.D. era

Reid said...

Here's a few more...

yugsaav: Discount Yugoslavian supermarket.

bemau: Popular candy-heart expression for a member of the Mau Maus street gang.

cyznsy: Acronym of the early 1960's folk group Crosby, Yoon, Zabriski, Nash, Stills and Young

Anonymous said...

iamjw: kosher brand of cat/dog food

Anonymous said...

hgcbhe: klezmar-only offshot of the legendary CBGB's night club

(ok, i'll stop now, promise)

Anonymous said...

mrbujpny: Indian philosopher known for discovering February.

oyega: A type of underwater badger.

atoptoy: Where parents find naughty children.

oafbudz: First horse to run backwards at the Kentukey Derby.

poxmucr: Understudy in the original Superman movie (Miss Poxmucrrr!!!)

No definition necessary (or wanted):

Anonymous said...

czehqs: gay men from prague.

voypih: italian for "voice over internet protocol".

Anonymous said...

eguzl: drinking lots of beer in an internet cafe.

Chris said...

pentane: fuel for a witch's broom
dreul: salivation from a tree-worshipper
egriot: full-bodied red wine made from a small heron