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Thursday, May 04, 2006


Even in your own bedroom, it's easy to get disoriented when the alarm goes off. And when you choose to wake up to talk radio, it's even more disorienting to wake up to an out-of-context sentence.

This morning, I woke up to NPR news (as I always do), hit the snooze button and then it slowly dawned (much like the dawn) on me that the sentence that had woken me up was this:

Everyone's happy when they're on morphine, so don't throw your bedpan at them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This happens to me all the time. Since they loop the broadcast, I'll sometimes listen to it the second time around and find out I completely misunderstood the context of a story.

Similarly, for years I thought Steve Innskeep was some weird guy who annoyingly referred to himself as "Steve-inski."