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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Songs I've had stuck in my head today

Every now and then, no one asks me, "Reid, what songs go through your head in an average day, and why?" Because absolutely no one is interested in this, I thought I'd take stock of my day and list out the songs that have floated through my head and give the reasons why they got in there, just so that no one will never have to ask me again. Um...right. Please note that a psychological analysis of why these songs got in my head is not welcome, but a listing in the comments of the songs that have been in your head today is very welcome.

Song: Elvis Presley, "(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame"
Reason: Popped up on shuffle when I was getting ready this morning.

Song: Deniece Williams, "Let's Hear It For The Boy"
Reason: This was playing in the place I got breakfast, and I was relieved when Elvis took back control.

Song: Fleetwood Mac, "Rhiannon"
Reason: The name of a coworkers baby is Rhianna, which is close enough to get the song in my head.

Song: Bow Wow Wow, "I Want Candy"
Reason: Read about Kevin Shield's remix of it on Pitchfork.

Songs: Billy Idol, "Dancing With Myself" followed shortly by Nouvelle Vague, "Just Can't Get Enough"
Reason: Reading about the new Nouvelle Vague album on Fluxblog led me to listen to their fantastic version of "Dancing With Myself", which led to a conversation about Nouvelle Vague with my office mate, which put their version of "Just Can't Get Enough" in my head.

Song: Eric Carmen, "All By Myself"
Reason: The NGO that I work for put together a PSA that has a title that sounds like it should be a hair-metal power ballad. So my current office mate Marshall will do what my former office mate Jen and I used to do, which is sing the title in the screechy power-ballad style, but today, Marshall decided to put it to the tune of "All By Myself." I swore at him for it.

Song: The Bucketheads, ""The Bomb! (These Sounds Fall into My Mind)"
Reason: I was looking at a map of Brazil (in my job, I tend to see a lot of maps of Brazil), and I got a song from the Chill Brazil 3 comp that just repeats, "Rio De Janeiro" over and over (but with that cool Brazilian pronunciation: zheo de haneedo), but because I don't really know the song that well, it's hold on my head was pretty tenuous, and before long, I found it had morphed into this blast from the past.


Anonymous said...

For reasons I won't go into, someone decided to email me the lyrics to LL Cool J's "Momma Said Knock You Out" about an hour ago, so that's currently stuck in my head.

I woke up with "Video Killed the Radio Star" in my head...probably from hearing it at the Orioles game the other night.

Then when I went out for lunch today, I heard Damn Yankees' "High Enough." I forgot how long that song is. Took awhile for Ted Nugent's guitar to get out of my head.

Anyway, I'm sure you're sorry you asked by now. It's not like I listen to 80s stuff very often, so this has been a pretty bizarre day.

Oh, almost one point this morning I briefly starting humming Willie Nelson's "Mendocino County Line" to myself for no apparent reason. So much for the 80s theme I guess.

Anonymous said...

Y'all make me feel lazy. I pretty much am in a constant state of listening, so the jukebox in my head never really get's the chance to have it's say. But here's a list of what I've listened to thus far today: Sufjan "Illinois" (this one is back in the car and not going anywhere anytime soon), Studio One Selector comp, the Aerovons "Resurrection", Radiohead "Hail To The Thief", "Amnesiac" and "Kid A" and now currently playing "Think Tank" by Blur. Before I leave today though I'm gonna have to play that Beirut song a couple more times and all my coworkers-have-left-ear-splitting volume. Cos it's so damn good. "Postcards from Italy".

Reid said...

Scott: and I thought I had it bad with "Let's Hear It For the Boy"! It's good to know it could have been worse with "High Enough". Though I now have both in my head in a hellish mashup...

Christian, you're not lazy, you're lucky. I can't really listen to stuff at work (unless on headphones and I'm trying to stay away from those), so it's just what's on in my head.

Good to know that you recommend the Beirut stuff. I've been considering picking it up. This clinches it!

Hans said...

W'l daaaaang, I'd like to see a psychological profile of somebody who gets "Let's Hear it for the Boy" stuck in his head, daaaaaaaaang.

doug said...

Almost everyday around 2-3 pm-ish: "It's a Small World" - by fucking Disney. It lasts for about an hour or so...

The ice cream truck which passes through here almost everyday plays an instrumental version of that damn song over and over and over again (and not the whole thing - just the chorus really). When it stops to dish out ice cream, the music doesn't it loops over and over and over again...

Yeah, that's me getting old and cranky complaining about the ice cream man.