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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Why can't you be more like your brother?

I hopped on the Metro at Tenleytown with my new external hard drive*, and sat down to that common Metro sight: The Out-Of-Town Family Being Shown Around Town By Their Citified Child. I took my seat just as the local laid this bit of wisdom on her teenage brother:

There are actually lots of transvestites that are straight.
The brother wasn't having any of it. How could you want to dress like a woman but also still want to have sex with women, too? I could understand his confusion. After all, he looked to still be at that age where it makes sense that straight guys listen to bands that only other guys listen to and to listen to the music that the girls like makes you a "fag". Oh, if only I could have seen the ridiculousness of that one earlier. There's nothing hot about asking a girl to go to the Rush show with you, but Duran Duran? Maybe I would have had sex at some point in my teens.

But now I'm completely off topic. The topic at hand is evesdropping as the enlightened city girl in her twenties edumacated her family about sexual politics, including these bits of wisdom:
  • People switch their sexual preference even after years of either hetero or homosexuality
  • The concepts of what clothes men or women dress are cultural
  • If the little brother was living in another time or another culture, he would comfortably wear tights and skirts and love every minute of it
If it all sounds a little condescending, it's not the way it sounded at all. The local was calm, casually handing out these facts that seemed to both bewilder and embarrass her family. Her father in particular was stone silent, obviously wishing in that Dad way that everyone would just shut up.

I was enjoying it. As basic as the concept that transvestites are actual human beings with individual personal preferences seems to me and most of the people I know, I forget that it's pretty revelatory to a lot of folks. They probably don't even personally know any gay people, let alone transvestites and transexuals. Hell, they probably haven't even seen an Eddie Izzard show.

And mostly, I just love these moments that you can see all over town, especially in the summer. Family goes off to visit their wacky liberal kid in the crazy big city where they don't drive everywhere and eat all sorts of weird food, and why doesn't {big city kid} just be normal and live in the suburbs and get married and vote Republican? You can especially see this at the end of a long day, when both parties are through censoring themselves and just have conversations like the ones I heard yesterday.

The end. Or is it? Yes. It is.

* If anyone knows how the hell you map a drive on Macs, give me a hand here, huh? I love my Mac and all, but I swear: for every thing they make easier, they make another harder.


Mr. Anthrope said...

Go to Finder.
Choose Connect To Server from the Finder's Go menu.
Enter the drive's address into the Address field.
Click Connect again.

Is that what you were trying to do?

Reid said...

Not really...not unless there's a step I'm missing there. I know how to *connect* to the drive, but I don't know how to make it a permanent connection or to do the Mac equivalent of mapping a drive like you do on a PC. Since it's an ethernet connection, it drops the connection to the drive every time my computer goes to sleep, so I have to reconnect every time. It's a pain, I tells ya.

Thanks, though.

doug said...

Mac hipster guy: "Hi! I'm a mac"

PC old dude: "And I'm a PC"

Mac hipster guy: "I can do lots of fun whimsical shit out of the box, but I can't map a @#$%@#$% drive!"

PC old dude: "Oh, really? Geesh. Well, I can map a drive, but it's so easy it's boring. Making me the boring old fella in this commercial"

Anonymous said...

The latest commercial (which despite hating Macs, I think those people-as-computer commercials are brilliant) mentions that Macs can now run Windows. So can't you just run Windows and map a drive the same way as on a PC?

HomeImprovementNinja said...

Take it to the Genius Bar at the Apple Store. I think they give free software support.

Reid said...

Ninja, I'd only take it to the Genius bar so that when they couldn't figure out it, I could say, "Thanks a LOT, genius!!" It would be the most sarcastic thing ever said and the world would explode.

Scott, I do really like the Mac OS, so I'm not going to be going back to PC at home any time soon. Besides, going to the Windows OS would be about the same as getting a new computer. I'd have to reconfigure everything. Not really worth it.

Doug, it's true. Macs are fantastic for little day-to-day stuff, but I find getting in the system and doing necessary maintenance stuff to be a lot more unintuitive. But maybe it's just because I'm not really used to it.

Anyway, there's GOT to be a way that keep a constant connection to this drive. I'd say I'd keep you updated, but I can't imagine you're too interested.

Anonymous said...

System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items, drag the external drive onto the list.

Anonymous said...

Once you've mounted the drive, drag it next to the trash can on the dock, it'll stick there. Next time you need it, post-sleep, click there and it'll do the login.

Reid said...

Excellent. Thanks. Hopefully that'll do the trick, though it still seems like that's at least one too many steps to reconnect.

So, strangely enough, Wonkette decided to link to this post, and the visits are going through the roof. The only comment that the 'ette makes is, "Really, there should be a tranny-hooker museum for these people." There really should be.