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Friday, October 20, 2006

You're older than you've ever been, and now you're even older

I love birthdays, mine especially. It's a day to reflect on what you've been through and where you are. I don't mind getting old, partly because there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, but mostly because, as my Mom says: "Getting older stinks, but it sure beats the alternative."

I still always feel upbeat about my birthday, even as I'm now entering the last year of the "young" demographic. Life may not be easy, but it's somehow a lot of fun anyway. The spirit of that is captured perfectly in Jimmy Cliff's "Hard Road To Travel", a song I've listened to almost daily for the last few months:

It's a hard road to travel
and a rough, rough way to go
But I can't turn back
My heart is fixed
My mind's made up
I'll never stop
My faith will see me through
Here's to lots of stuff happening in the next year. Which I'm almost certain it will. Happy birthday to me, my twin sister and all of the thanks in the world to my amazing mom. It's not her birthday, but none of my celebrations would have been possible without her. Thanks, Mom.


L said...

Day. Happy it is.

Is it good or bad that I thought you were older? :)

Joelogon said...

...and now you're older still.

Happy birthday. -- Joe

Hans said...

You're welcome, son.