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Monday, December 18, 2006

From the pages of Cheeba Connoisseur

If pot was made legal, would it become something that people would cultivate refined tastes for, like fine wines? Would collectors and aficionados meet in exclusive clubs in their smoking jackets and cashmere turtlenecks to compare kinds of marijuana and look down on those who don't have such heightened, sophisticated tastes?

What I'm really thinking about is if it would become something in movies that immediately shows that the smoker is someone with worldly appetites, like giving a tour through an extensive wine cellar. And more specifically, would we marvel at the sophistication as a tuxedoed, English-accented 007 villain says with a knowing smirk, "Well, Mr. Bond, I think you'll find our villa quite to your liking," as he fires up a gold-plated ivory bong? Then James Bond could steal the secret plans as the villain lay on the couch with a bag of Skittles saying, "Bond. Bong. Bong. Bond."

And before one of you smart asses asks: no, I'm not stoned. This is from a sober mind. Which, of course, is much more worrying.


doug said...

Based on this article I saw in our paper today: "Group calls marijuana state's top cash crop", Tennessee and Kentucky (along with California) could become major tourist destinations for those wanting to "taste" a wide variety of marijuana offerings. Dude.

Hans said...

I don't know, there's a big difference between "the finest Cognac" and "really good shit, man."

akaijen said...

You're welcome to come visit and get a taste of how the high rolleres toke. I'm sure Bond would look great in some dreads and a hemp poncho while stumbling into a cyclist. That would be pinacle of sexiness. heh