I could tell you, but telling gets old
You probably find yourself often wondering, "Reid claims that he likes Sufjan Stevens, but does he like him enough to give up a precious sleep-in Saturday morning to wait in the freezing cold for a chance to see him play with the NSO at the Kennedy Center". Wonder no more.Yes, I was one of those people (along with about half the readership of this page) who waited for tickets. We showed up at 8:30 to a line that I would call "snaking" if it wasn't for the fact that imagining a snake that big makes me scared. Needless to say, we didn't get tickets, and we had felt secure in arriving there "early". Weren't even close. Christian said it best when he walked up to join us in line after parking the car: "We are so naive."
It did remind me of a cold day in 1987 when I waited in line with my friend Lyle to get tickets to see Genesis at the Summit in Houston. We got to the Ticketmaster outlet at around 3:00 AM, got to know our neighbor line-mates, and finally got tickets way in the back of the lower prom. We likely could have gotten much better seats to that show if I'd gone the usual route of hitting up my concert promoter Uncle, but I enjoyed the satisfaction of having sacrificed a little for tickets.
Still, I had sworn that no one is worth seeing enough to do that again, but...circumstances sometimes dictate it. File under: never say never.
After the word went out that Sufjan tickets were gone, I sat on another line for a couple of hours waiting for Alvin Ailey tickets. A girl next to me in line had also failed to get Sufjan tickets, but said that she'd heard that some people who got on line at 6:30 Friday night didn't get any tickets either. So I feel that even if we were hopelessly naive in expecting to get tickets when showing up half an hour before the doors opened, at least we hadn't slept out in vain.
Oh, and I got Decemberists tickets over the phone while waiting for Alvin Ailey tickets, so I think I made pretty efficient use of an otherwise wasted morning.
Just before the X&Y album came out, Coldplay scheduled a show at the Metro, which is to Chicago as the 9:30 Club is to WDC or the 40 Watt is to Athens. I was all prepared to wait in line from 1:00am, but the venue's rules said nobody could start lining up until 9:00am. I got there at 8:30, only to laugh bitterly at my own naïveté. The first 11 people in line, out of the hundreds there before I showed up, got tickets. The folks at the front had been there since 1:00am.
I don't know why your Mom kept letting you hang out with this Lyle character. Seems like every story involving him has the two of you up to no good, causing trouble, staying out all night, etc., etc.
"A girl next to me in line had also failed to get Sufjan tickets, but said that she'd heard that some people who got on line at 6:30 Friday night didn't get any tickets either." I don't see how that is even possible! Unless this person got there at 6:30pm and spent the next 12 or so hours giving cuts! ;) I do kinda laugh at how easy we (and hundreds of others) thought how easy that would be. I also wonder to myself what that scene would have been like had the word "free" been taken out of the equation. As much as I like Sufjan and the idea of seeing him at KC, I'm not sure I would have gotten up that early to get in line to plunk down hard earned cash.
That must have been a nutty scene. I was a litte worried for you guys when I read online about people lining up on Friday evening. Looks like tickets are going for $300 over on Craig's List. Zoikes.
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