O My God
I'm just going to say it. There's a topic of conversation that's just hanging out there, creating a whole lot of tension between us. It's time to tackle it. It's time to talk about how The Police have aged.
Exhibit #1 (of one):Let's start with Stewart Copeland. Being a total badass for his entire life, it was inevitable that he chose to go with the natural, flowing gray look. For badasses such as Stewart, there's no covering up. He was a galldanged rock star—an actual punk, you punks—and now he's going to show you unappreciative, snotty whippersnappers what a real man does when he hits 50: he flaunts his gray with pride and not a little bit of elitism. Then he whips you with a french-gripped 5A drumstick, just to teach you a lesson. God bless the man.
Andy Summers looks great. I think he's pretty clearly coloring, and maybe he's had a little bit of work down, but it's allowed. He spent the late '70's and early '80's as the dorkiest rock star in the world, a guy who made more than a people think, "why do they have that old guy filling in on guitar?", a guy who must have been relieved when Huey Lewis came along. The world's caught up with him, and now we live in a world of peace and love where people in their thirties and forties are welcome into the rock star club without a batted eye. And he looks the same. I'm a little confused as to what my point is here, so if you figure it out, leave a comment.
Sting: there is justice in the world. For decades, we've had to watch Mr. Tantric Exotic Music Man effortlessly fight off the ravages of years as though he was someone who did yoga for hours a day. Well, looks like age is starting to escape his yoga-sculpted exterior. He used to be going bald with dignity, but it looks like he's suddenly trying to spike it to cover up the thinning, as though we wouldn't notice and would instead want him to talk about tantric sex again. And look at that smug face, like he's saying, "I don't need the money like Stewie and Andy". It's the kind of look that even makes me want to write "fuck off you cunt"* on my drumset.
In sum, I can't decide if I'm going to see them or not.
* The rumor goes that he wrote that as a message to Sting. Such anger. That these guys made five albums together is nothing short of a miracle.
Sting's looking a bit like this guy from Lost:
I've decided that there's not much I won't do to be able to see them. I've also decided that I get a kick out of the fact that the title of your last post was a Police lyric, and this one's actually about the Police. Surely, though, you could have referenced Sting's Onion editorial, especially given the recent areseven.com theme of aging and the ever-present areseven.com theme of being cool.
Somehow I missed that point in life where I got into the Police. I dunno, they just never did it for me all that much - I mean, I like the "do do do" song a lot, and I had and really enjoyed the album that it was on (Zenyatta Mondatta?), but I dunno, I just can't get too excited about them going on tour.
Hans, on the face of it, I'd LOVE to see the Police, at least to make up for the fact that when they played Houston on the Synchronicity tour, the show was on a weeknight, and my parents wouldn't let us go to concerts on weeknights, which I believe now constitutes child abuse, but then was perfectly acceptable. Built character, too.
The reason that I'm a little iffy on it is that it seems like they're playing HUGE places. Like, stadiums. And I'm not sure it'd really be worth it if they're going to be 1800 miles away from my seat.
Doug, maybe they are one of those bands that you would have had to like at the time or not at all. I still haven't figured out if they've aged well or not, but some of their songs still sound pretty amazing.
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