What's wrong with this blurb #1
From today's Salon newsletter:
Matt Baker was a restless teenager in suburban Las Vegas who loved gangster movies and acting cool. Nobody could imagine he wanted to murder his best friend and bury him in the desertEveryone knows that the creepy, aloof guys who love watching violence and murder are the last people you need to worry about!
A teenager who loved acting cool?! Shocking!
And don't all teenagers kill their best friends these days? I think I heard that on one of the morning shows.
For some reason, this post brings to mind the fact that someone asked me the other day if I know if Chris Hosford is still alive. I haven't heard that he's not, but I also haven't specifically heard that he is, so my answer is no, I don't know if Chris Hosford is still alive. But I don't know what made me think of that.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh yes pink floyd echolen HUH
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