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Thursday, April 05, 2007

The greatest song ever this week

Yesterday, in a secure, undisclosed location, five of the greatest music geeks in the world gathered to answer the crucial question: what, currently, is the one greatest song ever in the history of music? There were five different answers:

"Fireworks", by the Tragically Hip (video)
"Right Down The Line", by Gerry Rafferty (Hype Machine)
"Distant Sun", by Crowded House (YouTube)
"Wake Up", by the Arcade Fire (YouTube)
"This Must Be The Place", by The Talking Heads (Hype Machine)

If anyone asks you what the greatest song ever in the history of music this week is, you can use any one of these five and be fine. If you wish to use your own song, you have to preserve it for posterity in the comments.


Reid said...

Seriously, that Arcade Fire singalong in England blows my head clean off. It doesn't matter how many people are offkey: that moment of "I guess we'll just have to adjust" and then back into the chorus...I see God.

Anonymous said...

"Right Down the Line" is a huge hit in the Howard househould!

Reid said...

Xtian, here's your Japanimation action.

Susan, that makes a lot of sense. I swear, though, that I had never heard this song before yesterday.

Liz, welcome to the comments! Thanks for for the addition. The rest of you could learn a thing or two from Liz. I went looking for that Mint Royale song on Hype Machine, but no luck. I'll keep an eye out for it.

doug said...

okay! I respond well to scolding:

for some reason lately I just really wanted to hear Simple Minds, "Alive and Kicking". And also some "old" Death Cab for Cutie, like "President of What?"

Not sure why really, but there you go.

xtianDC said...

I"m nearly certain I have a copy of that Mint Royale song, Reid. It was the lead off track for my best of mix for whatever that was. I can't recall?

schlomo said...

I totally support "Wake Up." It's a cliche thing to say, but I get chills watching it. It makes me want to run outside my door and start a singalong in the street, but the people at the bus station probably wouldn't like it too much. On second thought, I'd probably blend right in with them...

Naturally, Arcade Fire's only NC date is in Asheville on a Wednesday, three hours away. Blah.

Annie DiMario said...

Can I be really un-xcore and say Gimme Shelter? Or, better yet, The Boxer by Simon & Garfunkel?

fats durston said...

Felt shamed that I only knew one of the five greatest songs ever (Heads). But I did know the Rafferty or a cover/original.

That Tragically Hip song ain't bad though I can't shake the Barenaked Ladies vibe that kind of ruins it for me.

I'm gonna venture "Block-Rockin' Beats" or "Amos Moses" or "Work It."

Reid said...

Doug: I know you do, man. I know you do.

Funny story about "Alive And Kicking". I once "auditioned" for a band in high school (it was ridiculous that I had to get their approval, since I was the only drummer they knew) by playing along to that song while they stared at me. I got to the fill after the breakdown and suddenly became an uncoordinated pile of limbs, flailing in no apparent rhythm over the snare. We all laughed at it, but my what little of my literally sophomoric confidence was gone, and I never joined the band. Mel Gaynor, it's on your head.

Christian, you made a best-of mix?

Zac, from what I hear, it's worth the drive.

Annie, you're more than welcome to be "un-xcore" because I have no idea what that is, so I would never be able to dispute your un-xcoreness.

"Gimme Shelter" is always welcome. "Block Rockin' Beats" is always welcome. Anything is always welcome, though you will get laughed at for Nickelback and may be asked for further explanation.

And for all of you, because I got yelled at for first putting forward two songs that we're only allowed one, I'm going to pass on the yelling: YOU'RE ONLY ALLOWED ONE SONG!!!

fats durston said...

I have to narrow it down to one?

"Son of Shaft", then.

Anonymous said...

i recognize that there has been a "rule" established that we can only have one. therefore i'm picking "mouth breather" by jesus lizard. but i'm compelled to list the other songs that were in my finalists, because i just alphabetized my CDs on a saturday night, so it is my god-given right as a woman to do whatever the hell i want. the runners up: soul and fire - sebadoh. within you without you - beatles. visions of johanna - bob dylan. unforgettable fire - u2. raspberry beret - prince. yes, cheesier than all you hip kids, but this is all i got.

schlomo said...

Indeed it is worth the drive, from what I hear, but unfortunately my company offers zilch for vacation days, and I've come to the sad realization that I am past the halcyon days of my college years, where driving three hours to see a band, driving back the same night, and getting up to go to class (or in this case, work) the next day was no problem.

Maybe I should just buy a case of Red Bull and a king-sized bag of Skittles and go for it...

Hans said...

I love Crowded House, but sometimes they can be boring. I've never heard 'Distant Sun' before, but my first impression is that it's boring and that there are much better Crowded House songs out there, namely 'Hole In The River'.

Here's what 'Don't Falter' is all about:

Reid said...

Oh, yeah! I know that Mint Royale song! That's a nice one. Thanks, Hans. Sorry, Christian. Nice pick, Liz.

Zac, that sounds like a plan and a half. Throw the remaining Skittles at the band, which the band will pick up as an homage to the Beatles getting pelted with Jelly Beans. However, if you did it right, there will be no remaining Skittles.

Diane, I'll have to listen out in church tomorrow for the part where God gives the right to all women to do what the hell they want. I don't remember that part. I do seem to remember the part about Noah building a CD rack to go in the Arc, "...and did set forth to organize albums first alphabetically and then chronologically, gazing at the majesty of Murmur next to Reckoning."

And I know you're new to this page, D., but no one here is hip, because we declared that word dead a few weeks ago.

xtianDC said...

I generally make best of mixes each year, but I don't really share them. I'm sneaky that way. I don't think I did one for 06 though. No art or anything fancy. Usually just a cdr...I should dig them out and send you the track list. It certainly wouldn't be any thing you don't know or have! It would be decidely unxcore, even.

xtianDC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mysterygirl! said...

The greatest song ever this week might be the song you left in my comments today. Awesomeness.

akaijen said...

I'm afraid I couldn't read past the inclusion of a Tragically Hip song. I'm psyched to come back from the jungle to find lots of are seven posts to catch up on though. Go Reid!

fats durston said...

It's a new week, right?

The greatest song ever this week is now "Lessons Learned from Rocky I to Rocky III."