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Monday, May 07, 2007

In a futile search

I recently flipped a switch on my blogger profile that allowed my site to be indexed by Google. The main reason for this is because I was highly entertained by Jordan Baker's soon-to-be-discontinued (single tear from me) Friday Q&A feature and Mama Likey's bizarre search terms that she posted recently, and I was curious what sorts of things that brought both the savvy and the stupid to my site. What I found is that, a decade of widespread internet usage later, people still don't know how to search.

So at the risk of encouraging these misguided people by potentially giving them the answers they're looking for and not trying to hone their search skills, I present a new segment that I like to call...(drumroll please, Christian):

- or -

Dear Are Seven,
    youtube mistaken for strangers
Signed, UK

Dear Mistaken,
    I think you'll find that your search results will be much more accurate if you tried...oh...I don't know...maybe...SEARCHING YOUTUBE!! TRY IT!! JEEZ!!
Yours sincerely,
    Are Seven

Dear Are Seven,
    retro bondage kidnapped helpless
Signed, Canada

Dear Retro Bondage,
    I don't want to spend too long considering your search because it makes me sad for the world, and while I don't have an answer for you, I do feel some pride that you were not able to find what you were looking for on my site.
Yours sincerely,
    Are Seven

Dear Are Seven,
    the decline of 80's hair bands
Signed, West Virginia Department of Education

Dear Decline,
    While you found a spirited conversation on this site, you probably didn't find what you were looking for. You're going to need to be a little more specific. Technically, Flock of Seagulls were an '80's hair band, but you're probably looking for hair metal bands. If that's the case, you don't need Google to tell you why '80's hair metal bands declined; you just need logic. They declined because they suck.
Yours sincerely,
    Are Seven

Dear Are Seven
    sleep bitches
Signed, Nantes, France

Dear Bitches,
    In the Southern US, we call them "hush puppies". HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Yours sincerely,
    Are Seven


doug said...

omigod, the "sleep bitches" one just made me cry laughing.

xtianDC said...

I'm happy to provide a drum roll...if you explain that last one to me?! Me = dumb. ;)

doug said...

see Christian it's sooo simple (btw, Cory didn't get it either, and now thinks I'm a little crazy):

sleep & hush = verbs meaning, I guess, be quiet, simmer down, etc...and since the person was from France and maybe not completely up on English, they should've use "shut up" instead.

bitches and puppies = well, you know, dogs.

So, you see, it's funny! I think - well, for some reason I thought it was...still do,

Reid said...

Thanks, Doug. I was hoping you'd answer it, just to see if you and I thought it was funny for the same reason. We do.

Of course, now that it's been explained, it won't be funny to anyone else.