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Friday, June 22, 2007

Short attention span reviews: now fortified with nutritious audio!

Oh, Are Seven Readers. You poor, sorry, sad suckers. Do you realize that the rest of the world looks forward to weekends? That on Monday, they start counting down the days to Saturday? But not you. You dread the weekends, knowing that Saturday and Sunday posts are sparse at Are Seven. You have to fast. So I'm leaving you a little something extra to tide you over until Monday. I'll see you then. Don't call unless it's an emergency.

The New Pornographer's Challenger gets better with every listen. It's been said before, it'll be said again: AC Newman just does not write a bad song. Unfortunately, Dan Bejar does.

Say the name of Spoon's new album out loud: Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga. The album sounds nothing like that. It sounds so much better than that, in that it's a typically fantastic album and doesn't sound really stupid. By the way, I'll know if you didn't say "Ga ga ga ga ga" out loud. And will dole out the pain accordingly.

It's a little disappointing that Dizzee Rascal gave his beats on Maths + English a distinctly American flavor (is it still spelled "flava"? I haven't looked in a while), but his English seasoning still makes it a filling listen. Well, now I'm hungry.

I don't know if I'll still be listening to Keren Ann's self-titled new one in a month, but it sure sounds lovely now.

Even if I look deeply into my music-loving soul, I could not tell you if I liked Architecture in Helsinki's Places Like This. It might annoy me beyond description. I might love it. I just...don't...know.

The following conversation actually took place before I had heard Paul McCartney's Memory Almost Full:
Brother-in-law: "Dance Tonight" is such a great song.
Me: "Dance tonight", huh? Is everything gonna be alright?
Brother-in-law: Ha ha! Yeah, kind of.

I don't love everything that Page France does. I like most of it, though it doesn't blow me away. But every now and then, they hit on a melody that makes them a band that I will always follow.

NEWS FLASH! New French dance band sounds a lot like that other French dance band. Everyone's too busy dancing to Justice to care. Daft Punk who?


xtianDC said...

That Karen Ann record is a case of more of the same; and in this case, that's a good thing. Though I suspect, in the long run, she'll be the kind of artist for whom you only really need one album.

The Macca is perplexing to me, but I guess that's to be expected. It's loaded with trite and boring moments, but I do like "Ever Present Past" and "That Was Me", despite the fact that his false modesty sometimes grates. Still, listen to those vocals on the latter; the man still sounds like he's 25!

I reluctantly picked up that Page France album too. For some reason, seeing them live was a turn off. The new album is entirely too twee, but I like the first song. The song you posted sounds like "Karma Police", btw. ;)

Anonymous said...

The Karen Ann sounds like Cowboy Junkies' "Sweet Jane." Meh.

I couldn't stop the Architects in Helsinki fast enough. That's gawd-awful.

And, naturally I like the French dance. I'm predictable that way, I guess.

Unknown said...

Crazy Fins. They should stick to architecture and leave music alone.

You should put new songs up on Thursday, rather than on Friday. That way I can download them and put them on my MP3 player before I go away for the weekend. But now it's too late. I'm already packed. I'll spend an entire train ride to NYC *not* listening to these songs.

Reid said...

Christian, I really like the new Keren Ann. That song I posted is more straightforward than the rest of the record, and I like the more drone-y direction she's gone in.

I think this new McC album will be just like the last one: I listen to it, like it...and then move on to something else, never to return.

You're totally right about the Page France! I was trying to figure out what the intro sounded like, and that's dead-on. Once the melody comes in, it's its own song, but the intro...definitely.

Jen, I figured you'd like the Justice song. It's like the Jackson 5 with Daft Punk. Awesome stuff. The album is really fun.

Scott, funny thing about Architecture in Helsinki: they're from Australia. Isn't that crazy?! A band naming themselves after a city in a country that they're not even from?! Who would do such an insane thing?!! Oh...

Good point on the mp3s. Maybe I should make Thursday the new music days. Not that we have much use for strict schedules like that here at Are Seven...