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Monday, June 25, 2007

Word problems

Instructions: Read the description and then answer the multiple-choice questions based on the information given to you.

The scene: About 10-12 pm Saturday night, at a hotel bar directly on Dupont Circle. This bar tends to draw all crowds: the small "let's grab a drink in the neighborhood" groups, the "Wooo! We're out for the night!" crowds, the "Might as well go downstairs and get a drink" hotel residents and even the "We were at a formal event/wedding, now let's go drinking" groups.

But we were focusing on one group in particular.

The men: About 10 of them, all looking late-30's, early-40's, all pretty badly dressed in that suburban-casual way: striped, tucked polo shirts with belted khakis. The would all get a call-back if they were auditioning for the role of "obnoxious guy #4" in The Office. One guy seemed kind of shy and dejected and stayed off to the side, one guy was wearing a Hawaiian-style shirt, one guy looked about ten years older than the rest, but mostly, their from-a-distance type was identical. That we could see, every one of their left hands had a wedding ring on it.

Also: they were all (excect for the dejected guy) in very high spirits, both in terms of alcohol and attitude.

The woman: That is, the only woman in this group of guys. About mid-30's, moderately attractive (I would say better-than-moderately, but the rest of my group thought she looked like a transvestite, which either says that I have better taste or that I'm just that desperate. Both are true). She was dressed much more formally than her male companions, in a generic-but-still-sexy short black dress. Nice body, with legs that the dress showed off well. Short dark hair, nice haircut. Trannie or not, she took care of herself. Her left ring finger was bare.

The interaction: Even when we got there, the woman was being very flirty with the guys to either side of her. Now, it's important to note that it was a goofy, drunken style of flirting, not the "Well, look at how much attention I'm paying to you, handsome!" She was pretending to fondle the chest of the guy to her right and being very touchy with any guy who got close to her.

The weird dynamic got ratcheted up a notch when she started doing what looked for all the world like an exaggerated impression of Sharon Stone's infamous leg-crossing scene in Basic Instinct. She did this about five or six times. The guys were intrigued, and there was some definite drooling happening, but they were mostly just laughing and carrying on. There was no indication that there was any one guy who she had her eye on or that any one guy was clearly after her.

My group debated over what these people's relationship to each other was but then lost some interest in other conversation, but I looked over just as the woman was—in the middle of the crowded bar—lifting her short black skirt clear above her waist, showing a black thong and, presumably, showing off a tattoo or scar or something. More drooling and laughing from the men. A few seconds later, she did a Lewinsky, pulling up her skirt only on one side to show off whatever she was trying to show off.

So, from what we know, what is going on with this group?

  1. They are colleagues and/or attending the same convention. She's either the wild woman of the office, or someone who's just having some fun with some conservative men she just met.
  2. They're old friends having a mini-reunion. She was the girl at school who always said, "All my closest friends are guys" and they all had crushes on her. Now, they're all married, she isn't and looks great, and someone's life is about to go very, very wrong.
  3. She's clearly a prostitute.
  4. Some other option that I've missed. You'll provide an explanation in the comments.
If you guess "c", bonus points for guessing how much she charged. Though, I guess that would be bonus points on top of nothing, since we will, sadly, never know the right answer.


Anonymous said...

Ok, if this is the bar I think it is (rhymes with Purys) then my guess is c. I know someone who waits tables at this establishment and she has told me about the many ladies of the night who do business there.

Reid said...

New contest: come up with a definition for what a "pury" is.

See, Carrie and Nicole both thought she was a prostitute, too, but it just didn't seem that way to me. She seemed too goofy and pally with these guys to be an escort. But I guess we'll just never know...

And because someone has to say it: "You're a hooker?! I thought I was doing great!"

Hans said...

She was probably the queen of a very small country in India. In fact, that's my answer to both contests. Oh, and $800/night.

m.a. said...

I think it might be C, but there was a convention this weekend for something. I wish I could remember what I saw on the conference bags that I saw people carrying.

But they were dressed TOTALLY like the men you described!

PeeKay said...

how come no one walked up to the group and asked the question? sheesh, next time you need to do a ONe-PoTATO game and send the loser in for a Q&A with the odd man out. of course, dont listen to me. I tried this game in boston and went up to the group of 4 we were studying and boy were we wrong. I almost got the males at our table in a fistfight. and thatwas before brad pitt made it cool.