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Monday, July 09, 2007

You do it to yourself

You could certainly say that the new album by Mark Ronson—the production master behind the endlessly enjoyable Alright, Still and Back To Black—follows a formula. You could say that, and if you want to, go ahead and say it now. Done? Okay. He covers mostly-recent songs by Brit acts, changing the songs only by adding soul horns, funk-via-baggy beats and sixteenth-note tambourine shaking. Maybe there's a Motown beat instead, or maybe it's a little bit slower, but otherwise, there's not much variation to the formula.

Oh! But hey! Fucking news flash! I'm a 100%, all-natural, government-approved fanatic for soul horns, funk-via-baggy beats and spastic tambo shakes. So if you ask me (which, in a way, you did), this album is a triumph.

His stab at Radiohead's "Just" is one of best covers of a well-known song that I've heard in recent memory. Now, given that my recent memory doesn't really go beyond a couple of days, that's not saying very much, but still: it's awesome:

Almost as enjoyable as that is Amy Winehouse helping out Ronson on the Zuton's "Valerie":

...and ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing wrong with that.


Thomas said...

I LOVE these songs.

I'm partial to "Valerie" over "Just" myself, but I enjoy them both immensely.

Anonymous said...

Those are both flippin' awesome. I heart Mark Ronson.

m.a. said...

These are great!

Reid said...

So for those of you keeping score at home, that's three with impeccable taste and an unspecified number with unspecified taste.