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Monday, August 06, 2007

Some velvet morning when I'm straight

Ah, readers. You're going to have to give me a few days to catch my breath. My life is in Serious Change mode right now, which you're welcome to imagine as as a special-effects masterpiece, with me writhing on the floor, covered in glowing slime and growing mutant parts, like wings and antennae, and I'm screaming in pain as this bizarre and horrifying new form takes hold. It's not much like that, of course, but some days it feels like that.

Where your patience comes into play is that single-subject posts are going to be hard to come by. My mind is wandering way too much, often in directions that it shouldn't (namely: the past), so focus is precious these days.

So, miscellany:


If you're looking for a good reality show that reminds you just how low a human being can go, you could do worse than Rock Of Love, the show where Brett Michaels of Poison "fame" tries to find love amongst a group of skanks that he's sharing a mansion with. In the 45 minutes I've seen of the show, I can say with all conviction that there's no better place to see the delusion that blurs the lines between love and lust. The girls all claim to want Michaels for his personality and Michaels himself? What a piece of work. In one moment, he says that he's always had a soft spot for strippers, and then tries to pass it off as a deep caring for their plight. As a matter of fact, he tries to pass almost everything off as deep caring. It's a trainwreck. You gotta watch it.


I was looking for a new book, and so I turned as I always do to a post a year ago where I asked you all for recommendations. The comments on this post reminded that you bunch are brilliant. You're hilarious and insightful, and I always love those threads that get lots of comments, not because it somehow justifies this page, but because I love the conversation. Hell, if I had my way, each and every one of you would have a page exactly like this one.

I know it seems a little desperate and sad to beg for comments, but I love it when you say what's on your mind. This page has survived for as long as it has mostly because it's become a great way to keep in touch with people. So I just hope that, whenever you have something to say, you don't hold back. The audience here is small, and it's the thoughts that count. Don't worry about crafting them, and don't think that whole groups of strangers will see it (trust me: you know most of the audience), long last, say it.


I've finally started watching Flight of the Conchords and it's as funny as Nicole and Christian claimed it to be. The deadpan delivery of often-corny jokes is fantastic. Maybe I need to just count the pennies and go ahead and subscribe to HBO.


At down moments in life, some song always comes along whose cheering powers can't be denied. Thank you, Junior Senior:
"Can I Get Get Get":


m.a. said...

I watched that mini series on TNT, The Company. It seems like it might be okay. Otherwise, I moped all weekend. Hope yours was way better.

JordanBaker said...

Rock of Love is neither more nor less than VH1's attempt to fight allegations of racism by showing the world that it can find white chicks just as skanky and insane as the african-american women from two seasons of Flavor of Love.

That said, I heart that show.

doug said...

somehow I figured that Flight of the Conchords had to be a Christian and Nicole favorite - it's the best!

Anonymous said...

Well you guys are obviously onto what we've been doing with our Sunday evenings this summer. "Rock of Love"...I just can't, I mean, words, just. It's everything I could possibly want in a reality dating show about a 80s hair metal stud and more. There's a girl named Rodeo. She collects swords and had three blood transfusions when she was a baby. There's a stripper who swears this is her last six months on the pole. There's an animal rights enthusiast/psycho who is the spitting image of Manson girl Leslie Van Houten. Heck, there is even a girl who looks scarily similar to C.C. DeVille.

And "Flight of the Choncords" is awesome. I missed last night's episode and I kind of feel like the last couple I've seen have dragged a bit. But it is fantastic. I love Murray and I want to be Mel for Halloween (with a t-shirt of Jermaine behind bars).

Becky Desjardins said...

We recently rented and watched the HBO/BBC series "Rome". What a great show! The problem, as everyone knows, with renting tv series is that you find yourself saying "one more episode" and next thing you know its 1 am on a monday night...

Reid said...

Awww yeah, commenters. I'm feeling a lot of love right now. Can you feel it? Feels good, doesn't it?

MA, that's the one about the CIA, right? What is our recent fascination with the CIA? I mean, it's not like we've gotten more aware of foreign issues and our involvement in shady shenanigans outside our own bord...oh, right.

Jordan, that's a good take, but I hope that it wasn't only an attempt at racial balance that caused the VH-1 programmers to notice that hair metal chicks can be kind of skanky.

Doug, you're totally right. It's X&N's quoting the show that's gotten me into it. It's freaking hilarious.

Susan, brilliantly written. I know it was you who recommended the show to me, but I was a little slow to actually act.

Beck, I tried Rome but couldn't really get into it, but I know that exact feeling you're talking about. I love Netflix for those kinds of shows more than I love it for movies.

mysterygirl! said...

Rock of Love = awesomeness. I love his sincerity. Everything turns him on, and he's okay with that. A mere half hour later is my other summer fave, Scott Baio is 45 and Single. The two shows work well together, since both are about dudes who banged hot chicks over the last 20 years or so, and what they're doing about that now.

I should add Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle to your reading list. A giant book, but riveting.