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Monday, August 20, 2007

This post = email

These days, I don't really have time for both blogging *and* email. Well, that's not entirely true, of course. I could make time. The truth is that I just can't think of anything else to write about here, so for my convenience, {refer to subject line}.

Dear Mary,

The Washington, DC Metro Area wants you to know that we can't wait to get you back. Okay, okay. We're not getting you back permanently just yet. But we're working on it. Anyway, London's been hogging you for too long, and we think they've had just about enough.

Still, I hope you're loving your last few weeks there. Here's a couple of songs that I've been meaning to get to you, but haven't until just now. I hope they bring a little more enjoyment for the rest of your time there:

LCD Soundsystem, "North American Scum" (download)

Share this one with Oren. I loved that he was impressed that, as a Canadian, he was included in this song. As scum. Anyway, I think you both can find some comfort in being a North American in an international place, feeling like you have to apologize somehow: "But if we act all shy, that'll make it okay". I don't know if the sound is quite your thing, but you'll appreciate the sentiment.

The other one is just for a nice night, when you can go out on the bridge with all the photographers and watch the sun go down:

The Kinks, "Waterloo Sunset" (download)

I think you may already have it on your computer, but I just thought I'd remind you of it.

And I hope you're listening to "Hairdresser on Fire" a lot: "Here is London, home of the brash, outrageous and free." It's the ultimate London song, I think.

Miss you! Enjoy your last few weeks, and I'll see you soon.

Your loving brother,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Reid! You are the best big brother ever. Can't wait to listen to these songs on the way to the library tomorrow.