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Friday, September 21, 2007

The geostationary fruit at night are big and bright

Remember that time you went to Texas? Remember? You got in a cab and told the cabbie, "I need to go deep in the heart of Texas." And the cabbie took you to the edge of the heart and then stopped and told you "Fourteen dollars", which was total bullshit, because it's only one zone, but you told him, "No, no. Deeper." And the cabbie continued, but you could tell he was all cranky because he knew there was no way he was going to pick up a return fare once he dropped you off. But you didn't care.

Then, you finally got to the deepest part of the heart of Texas, and you stood there gazing up into the night, and you were so moved by the sight that you said, without thinking, "Wow. The stars at night are big and bright." And then some jerkoff appeared from out of nowhere and clapped four times, and you just rolled your eyes, because some jerkoff is always doing that.

But remember how you felt like there was something missing from the sky? You couldn't quite figure out what exactly was missing at first. You just knew that, as pretty as the night sky was, it was...incomplete somehow. And then you realized the missing piece. Of course!, you thought. There should be a gigantic banana floating in between the high atmosphere and Earth's low orbit, visible only to Texas residents!

You were right. It should have been there. And it will be there.


doug said...

oh, that's strange.

is that a banana in your sky, or you just happy to see me?

Anonymous said...

Wow, Baltimore never does anything cool like that. Since it's in Texas though, shouldn't they make it a jalapeno instead?

Good thing nobody in Texas has a gun, or drinks alcohol. No way that thing lasts a whole month without some drunk cowboy using it for target practice.

I'll try not to always clap when you sing that song.

Reid said...

Strange? Boy, is it ever. I can't imagine how they got air clearance for that thing. If I was a betting man (I am), I would bet that thing never makes it off the ground.

Scott, I'm not a scientist, but I'm pretty sure that a gun couldn't reach something "between the high atmosphere and Earth's low orbit." Maybe I'm wrong. Still, excellent point. If the drunk cowboys can't hit the banana, they'll just have to go back to shooting each other.

Anonymous said...

Is it up yet? Those photos look pretty doctored.

Either way, damn Texas is cool. heh