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Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Sometimes you love a song not because you think it's a great song, but only because it fits a particular moment so well. And sometimes, you love a song not because it's amazing from beginning to end, but because it has one particular moment in it, a moment that makes you just wait out the rest of the song to hear this one bit; a moment that keeps you from almost ever getting to the end because you rewind that one bit over and over.

The moment at 4:23 of this song has been taking a lot of my moments lately. It's not that the rest of the song isn't lovely. It's kind of precious and melodramatic, but the explosion of strings and voices at that moment is just...momentous.

Stars, "In Our Bedroom After the War"


mysterygirl! said...

That is a great moment-- I'm always a sucker for swelling string instruments.

Reid said...

mysterygirl!! (extra exclamation point mine) I'll keep your preference on the spreadsheet of my reader preferences:

Reader            Sucker for
mysterygirl!     Swelling strings
Hans               Neo-goth
Doug               Lucinda Williams

The internet misses you, mg(!). But I'll see you Sunday, right?

Hans said...

Wow, that really is a great moment.

By the way, I no longer prefer Neo-goth. I used to, but then I accidentally saw them at Austin City Limits, and now I think they're terrible. Please update your reader preferences spreadsheet accordingly.

doug said...

I don't think I'll ever live down that I admitted to skipping the Arcade Fire, but stuck around (it was SHADY!) to see Lucinda Williams.

Reid said...

Yeah, that was in reference to you saying that Lucinda Williams was terrible. Which I can believe. I've never liked her.

I can't believe you didn't see Arcade Fire. I just can't believe it. At least you went to see LCD Soundsystem, though I'm disappointed that they've been playing the same setlist. Good thing their execution is flawless.