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Thursday, April 22, 2004


I saw not one, not two, but THREE great movies on the planes to and from London. I think that being 39,000 feet in the air must make me more emotional, because they all struck me pretty hard. In order of viewing:

Fog of War: Incredible interview with Robert McNamara, the secretary of defense under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. Not only do you see the human side of someone who had to make terrible decisions that resulted in the death of millions of people, but you get to hear him called "foolish" by President Johnson. Things to think about the next time I'm having a bad day at work.

Big Fish: Loved it. Blubbered like a little baby at the end. I'm a sucker for those the-importance-of-family movies. I was afraid that it would be one of those movies where the bad southern accents were too distracting, but they were actually really good. I think it's the first time I've seen Ewan MacGregor do a good job since Trainspotting.

The Station Agent: Even though it suffered from a lot of the indie film faults (occasional forced plot points, slow moments, clumsy dialogue), it was a really touching movie, with an interesting angle on the human relationship stories, and the funniest Jersey Tough Guy character I think I've ever seen.

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