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Wednesday, June 09, 2004

And it's time...time...time

The thoughts are still swimming around in my head and they won't get out, even though I blew my mental lifeguard whistle and called "adult swim", which would mean that my head would completely thought-less, since I don't have an adult thought in me.

I'm having a hard time with all the extra time I have now. I knew that would happen. Last night, I played some Madden (lost miserably...I'm so bad at that game), read some of the new David Sedaris book, and it was still only ten o'clock, leaving me bored and ready to go to bed. At my old place, I could have just gone to bed at 10:30, knowing that if I left the house at 8:00, I still wouldn't be at work until 9:00, a perfectly reasonable time for a reasonable person to be at work. But now, leaving the house at 8:00 means that I'll be sitting at my desk at 8:04, which is a completely unreasonable time to be at my desk.

I need more hobbies.

Time makes me crazy.

Is it bedtime yet?

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