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Thursday, June 17, 2004

Speaking of crashing bores...

I put the new Morrissey album in again today, thinking it was one of those last-ditch efforts to find something to like in an album I hate. I actually did find a pretty good deal to like about it. The melodies are stronger than a lot of the recent Morrissey efforts (though that's not saying much considering his melodies rarely stretch beyond three notes) and there's some nice musical moment.

But the lyrics...

Maybe it's the mass-year effect, when you think, "You've had how many years to write this?!", but the lyrics are just embarrassing. Morrissey seems like a pretty clever guy, and it seems like, with that much time and that much smarts, he could have found better ways to get across some of the ideas of these songs.

It also sticks in my craw that he writes an America-stinks song (not terrible in an of itself) when he's been living in LA for the last few years. Um..."and England, you know where you can stick your Morrissey."

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