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Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Ralph Nader stands in the way of entertainment

This is (one of the reasons) why I love living in DC: I decide to take a break last night from rearranging my bedroom (had to be done) by going over to the Borders near my house, only to find that the way to the DVD section is blocked by folks listening to Ralph Nader. Only in DC! Well, I guess it's anywhere that he's talking, which is probably a lot of places. But seems very DC to go into your local bookstore and find a presidential candidate.

I was really impressed by the things he had to say. It's a shame that he's not the Democratic candidate. Now, granted, when you're sitting listening to one person's rhetoric, it's pretty difficult not to be at least a little swayed, and swayed I was. I don't believe that the gap between Kerry and Bush is as small as he believes, but I thought that he had some great points about how the Democrats have screwed themselves in recent elections, and it was pretty sobering to think that the way both parties approach corporations and work issues really aren't very different.

There were a couple of near-crackpot statements, such as what he would have done about terrorism, but he had a great point when he said the he had worked for years to get cockpit doors more secure and locked, but without a tragedy, no one would bother even thinking about it.

Plus, there were some hecklers, which make any public event worthwhile.

If you're wondering why I haven't updated in so long, I believe the quality of this post goes a long way to answering that.

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