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Wednesday, July 14, 2004

To all of the girls I haven't loved before

Any blogger who's been around the block knows that, when you need guidance, you need look no futher than Bears Will Attack mastermind (and Christian's roommate) Brian. One of Brian's best pieces of advice is, when at a loss for what to blog, just make a list. So that's what I'm going to do.

Only...well, I'm not really at a loss of what to blog. See, I've been afflicted lately. Since moving to Dupont, I seem to see the Most Beautiful Woman Ever™ at least once an hour. It's not the same woman; it just seems like, hallelujiah! it's raining gorgeous women. Rain rain everywhere, etc.

So here's my list of impossibly beautiful women I have seen in the last few days, numbered not for ranking, but only because I prefer numbered lists to bulleted lists:

  1. Crossing M this afternoon: This is my nickname for her. She had short, very dark hair and was...I wish there was some better way to say it, but dammit, I almost passed out right there on M. If had thought that passing out would impress her, I would've done it.

  2. A certain unnamed coworker: Unnamed just in case. So beautiful that the first time I saw her, I didn't even think, "Wow, she's gorgeous", but rather, "That's ridiculous." She actually pays attention to me and gives these sweet, shy smiles that I'm 99% sure don't betray any actual interest, but pretending is fun.

  3. The Most Beautiful Accountant Ever™: She comes to my office once a year every summer that I've been here (now in my third summer). The first summer, I just saw her a few times and got dizzy every time. The next summer, I actually worked up the nerve to talk to her, even semi-asking her out at one point, and she showed a very slight amount of interest at first, only to then stop showing interest around the same time I spied her talking on her cell phone outside with a big smile on her face, a sure sign of Met Someone. So I got turned down. Then she shows up again this summer, and I talked to her yesterday and re-introduced myself and that went well, and then said good morning to her this morning and got a tone of voice that was just this side of "go away". Still, it doesn't keep me from being jolted whenever she walks by my office.

  4. One of my two married crushes (the other one's on vacation): Married crushes are the best. You get all the fun of being around someone dreamy without any of the anxiety over what you should do about it. You can flirt a little, dream a lot and no one gets hurt.

  5. Any number of ridiculously gorgeous women between 21st and N and 20th and M: One little block, and yet the percentage of beauty of that block is through the roof.
Why any of you people read this crap is beyond me.

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