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Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Oh, the lines!! The long, long, long, long lines!!!

Man, I just got back from voting. Lord, they weren't kidding about the long lines. I walked over to my polling place, only to find that, at the D-H line, there were THREE people in front of me. THREE!!! When I got my ballot, I had to wait for almost fifteen seconds to get a spot at a booth, and then I had to wait yet another minute behind the two people in front of me at the ballot machine. All told, the entire experience took me nearly ten minutes. TEN MINUTES!!!

Ha ha! Off-peak voting, suckers!


doug said...

Cory went to the polls an HOUR before they opened - and she was first in line (I told her it wasn't like buying a concert ticket - you're vote doesn't count more if you're early - but she was excited and needed to vote early before work), but by the time the polls opened, there were about 100 people in line, with a VERY slow process going on to get to vote - 4 booths, but only one person to process people to get to the booths. Went by there a minute ago, still a long line - but, hopefully that bodes well here.

Reid said...

Dang, Doug...are you automatically notified when I update this? You're always immediate!

I might be discouraged by how few people there were at the polls if it wasn't for the fact that I know that there were lines "around the corner" at the same polling place this morning. I just figured I'd wait until the mid-afternoon to go. It paid off. Big.

doug said...

oh, I just check a lot - your blog is at the top of my favorites list - since it starts with an
"A" - now if you were "ZARSEVEN" or "ZRSEVEN", well, it'd be a whole other story. So, anyway, it's kind of just what I check a lot. And on a day like today - when I ain't working - I'm checking a lot of stuff a lot - when I should be doing something constructive.

ANYWAY, no, I hear ya - I was mostly saying I was really surprised that there is still a huge line there right now - and it's funny that Cory went so early. I always try to vote on off-peak times - but I voted early this time - which was pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

The lines here were apparently pretty bad this morning. I had planned on waiting until after work, but then went during my lunch hour instead. Partly because I got antsy, but also I figured it would be less crowded then. I was right...almost no wait whatsoever (it would have been even shorter had the check-in lady not kept trying to find my name on the "SCH" page when I kept saying "S-H-A" and pointing to my voter registration card). I was actually in the booth longer than I waited for it.

I was hoping to get included in an exit poll, but there weren't any at the Hatton Senior Citizen Recreation Center. No reporters either. Not even anyone handing out the "I voted" stickers all my coworkers seemed to get.


Reid said...

Oh, that reminds me. I sent my registration into DC just a few days before the deadline, never got my registration card and had to call the DCBOEE yesterday to verify that I actually could vote. I could, but still wondered if it'd be a problem.

Well, I get there, and the guy looks for my name, can't find it, and then looks over at a stack of paper next to the book, and picks up a sheet of paper that had only my name on it. And he says to me, "This just got to us 10 minutes ago."

Usually, my timing stinks. But today, my timing was absolutely perfect.

doug said...

I hear the Nader and Peroutka lines were the shortest... ;)

doug said...

Hmmm, a Windows Service? Be nice to get an RSS feed...

Anyway, I've stocked up on Molson CANADIAN (where each label is different), and some Jameson's Whisky to celebrate (yeah!) or drown my sorrows for 4 more years of who knows what (booo!). But I think we'll know tonight - and here's hoping there's not a freakin' tie.

Hans said...

I voted by absentee ballot a couple of months ago. It took forever for them to send a touch-screen machine to my house, and then a couple of technicians had to come out and show me how to use it, but they set up appointments like the cable company, telling me that somebody would be at my house between the hours of 5:15am and 9:00pm, and of course nobody showed up on the day of the appointment, so overall I was out of work for two days and I didn't get or see a paper confirmation of my vote and they said they'd send me an 'I Voted' sticker but it never showed up.

Dag. Actually, voting by absentee ballot was kind of fun. It was paper, which I trust, and it felt good to know for the past couple of months that I'd already voted. Here's hoping the USPS got my ballot to where it was supposed to go.

doug said...

Paper?! you know, that shit can burn man, BURN! I'd rather have some electrons floating around with my vote on it than trust some flimsy piece of paper. Pshaw! Paper. Sucker.