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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The words "work" and "ethic" officially part ways

I've made a disturbing discovery, an extremely troubling deduction that came to me JUST NOW:

The fact that my web stats go way down on holidays and weekends


The fact that a large number of blog writers are announcing that they will not be making any updates over the Thanksgiving holiday


The fact that most bloggers don't post anything on the weekends

...can only =

People only read and write blogs WHILE THEY ARE AT WORK!!

Good lord! What the hell has happened to this country? Have we lost all familiarity with the concept of a hard day's work? Are we really so willing to use the precious salary-dollars of the very employers who have seen fit to give us a job—thereby keeping us clothed and housed—for our own personal amusements? Are we really that spoiled and uncaring? I'm shocked, people. Shocked. Get back to work.

Answers to the above questions: 1) The internet. 2) No, as we never had the concept at any point in our country's history. 3) Absolutely. 4) Absolutely.


Megarita said...

Alone in the office, are we?

d-lee said...

That's funny, because MOST of the bloggers I know do the majority of their blogging from their homes. They also do a large amount of reading/writing on weekends.
I also know a coule of people who blog at work because blogging IS their work. And I don't mean in a self-employed kind of way. No shit.

I'm just sayin'

Reid said...

CORRECTION: On Wednesday, November 23rd, this blog incorrectly stated that "people only read and write blogs when they are at work." That should have read, "people who work at computers all day mostly read and write blogs when they are at work." regrets this error.

doug said...

blogging + work = blork

just sayin'

Robert MacMillan said...

You should retract your correction. I think you were right the first time. Anyone who shamed you into the correction has something to hide.


Take care,
Soo Doh Nim