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Monday, September 24, 2007

What are words for...

I'm reading The Professor and the Madman (Yes: still), which is (partly) the story of the making of the Oxford English Dictionary. Those volumes took decades to put together through the work of volunteers who would cite references to every word in the English language.

This is where you come in, my little volunteers. I don't need a definition or a citation from you. I need a word. Christian and I were in a sports bar yesterday, and we saw many examples, but there's no one word; no brief indicator or label for the person. This is where you come in.

The definition:

__________: (n) A person who cheers loudly for a sports team, letting their volume and obnoxiousness make up for the fact that they know very little about the sport or even the team that they claim to be huge fans of. In relation to football: jumps out of their seat at a five yard gain. Trash-talks after the first score of the game.

You know the people I'm talking about. So what's the word?


Hans said...

Well, according to word verification it's 'fkjxjvuf', but that doesn't sound quite right. I'm pretty much just gonna go with 'asshole'.

Reid said...

And that's accurate. But it just needs to be more specific. I'm guessing you haven't spent much time in sports bars, but "asshole" is going to describe the majority, including those who know their stuff and sit quietly, psychotically watching the game.

I guess I'm kind of looking for a species name.

Still, thanks for the good laugh.

doug said...

oh oh oh! - I saw this the other day trying to watch the Kentucky game - it's called "AlabamaGeorgiaFans" - jerks.

Actually last night I watched the Titans game with a couple of buddies at a vegetarian-oriented/lesbian/extreme sports bar (huh?) here in East Nashville, and it was full of people, with good tv's, and no assholes that I saw...kinda nice...

mysterygirl! said...

I think you're referring to a "fauxnatic," whose fanaticism is swiftly revealed to be inauthentic.

Reid said...

That is PERFECT, MG! Brilliant. Is that yours?

btw, is your new icon a Magic Eye? Because I've spent about two hours staring at it and I can't figure out what it is.

mysterygirl! said...

It just came to me as I was reading, so I don't think I heard it elsewhere, but I suppose I might have and internalized it. :)

Alas, it is not a magic eye. :(

Anonymous said...

I just call them "Maryland fans."

Seriously, I was gleeful over their loss to Wake last weekend.

Reid said...

That's so awesome, MG(!). I didn't think I'd actually get a usable word out of this post, but now I have it. I'm attributing it to you, internalized or not, and I'll defend it to the death. Well, if not "death", then "to the ill-advised $10 bet".

And I was just kidding about the magic eye. I'm pretty dumb, but thankfully, not quite dumb enough to stare at something that I don't know for sure is a magic eye. Anyway...

Susan, I wish you'd been with us watching that Maryland/Wake game. So incredible. I couldn't believe it. What a comeback! How can anyone not love football?!

doug said...

go deacs! I'm really looking forward to seeing Wake play Vandy here - and that may be the only time that sentence is ever written.

football season! wooo!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had been there. See, I don't hate football itself, but I do hate a lot of football fans and commentary on the sport. When the Redskins have played two games and the phrase "Superbowl Contender" is being thrown around willy nilly, I get irate. I know it is part of the nature of the beast since games are only once a week and there is a huge time lag for punditry, it just bugs. But ya'll should come over for a Georgetown game. We can drink beer and watch for free from our "front yard."

Anonymous said...

Susan I would love to see a Gtown football game! It's crazy how no one really even knows they have a football team. One of my earliest and greatest thrills in life was playing a pick up game with some high school friends in their stadium on that turf field. Somehow we were able to play on that field for several hours one night and no one bothered us or asked us to leave!